I've just fitted the Focals. Quite a simple straightforward job. I fitted the Kenwood mini amp a couple of weeks ago too. I adjusted the head unit to approx 25-35% volume with amp gain backed off, and then gradually added gain till I was at the '1' on the unit. About half way. Thats plenty loud enough for me. I'm very happy. Music now has a deep solid sound, without the tinniness. The oem tweeters should be banned as they could probably cause fatal tinnitus. All bought from @Absolut5 so thanks Jason. Its now solid and thats all I wanted. I have a spare channel, I guess I may add a small sub at a later date. But for now I'm pleased and I can enjoy music in the bus. Theres a xylophone on the new Flaming Lips album which caused the oem tweeters to generate what can only be described as like something from the Ipcress Files.
Firstly we are going to offer our new design of door card speaker adaptors we make these from moisture resistant MDF and provide stainless fixings for them. They allow you to swap your 165mm speakers for a bigger 200mm speaker.
Our supplier of these is so impressed with these that they are ditching these cheap polish ones (Ebay link to poor quality one) and starting to supply ours instead. We are the source for these so can offer great prices on them just £19 posted including fixings
We can also offer them as part of a package with the BLAM 200RS which makes a great upgrade and with a bit of modding makes a great OEM look upgrade to the tweeters aswell :thumbsup:

This package including speakers mounting rings and all fixings is just £199 :thumbsup: You will not be disappointed!
Hi I'm interested in a set of front speakers for my T6 are these like for like swap
How do I go about ordering
Regards Marko
Hi I'm interested in a set of front speakers for my T6 are these like for like swap
How do I go about ordering
Regards Marko

we do a superb package using focals and Kenwood amp, massive improvement in low end response, volume and quality, easy to fit as it all comes as plug and play
Hi sounds good how much for the set up?
Where do you mount the amp ? Does it plug into the original head unit
Regards Marko
All plug and play, no wiring needed, no wires cut,

amp sites behind dash, we go through the finer details when order is placed

you get 8” focal door woofers and tweeters for the pillars
sound deadening
kenwood compact digital amp
all prewired for plug and play
£399.99 delivered
All plug and play, no wiring needed, no wires cut,

amp sites behind dash, we go through the finer details when order is placed

you get 8” focal door woofers and tweeters for the pillars
sound deadening
kenwood compact digital amp
all prewired for plug and play
£399.99 delivered
Hi how do I order this kit do I order on your site or pm you
Thanks in advance Chris
Hi how do I order this kit do I order on your site or pm you
Thanks in advance Chris
Hi Chris
Drop us a pm and you can pay by bank transfer or PayPal, or give us a call on Monday to pay by debit/credit card.... :thumbsup:
@Absolut5 looking to get an underseat sub/amp for my T6.1. I’ve already upgraded my door speakers and A-pillar tweeters.
Do you have a package that would fit under my passenger double seat with any wiring harnesses ect? Many thanks in advance.
@Absolut5 looking to get an underseat sub/amp for my T6.1. I’ve already upgraded my door speakers and A-pillar tweeters.
Do you have a package that would fit under my passenger double seat with any wiring harnesses ect? Many thanks in advance.

what speakers do you have installed?

Hi, I went for “Audio frog”.

if you haven’t already I highly recommend amping them and adding a underseat subwoofer like our own design and manufactured underseat sub enclosure with a JL audio 10w1, Audison SR5.600 amp to drive it and the Audiofrogs.. add a Audison bass control and it will sound amazing
if you haven’t already I highly recommend amping them and adding a underseat subwoofer like our own design and manufactured underseat sub enclosure with a JL audio 10w1, Audison SR5.600 amp to drive it and the Audiofrogs.. add a Audison bass control and it will sound amazing
Can you PM a cost to supply please
I’m glad it’s not just me who thinks the speakers in the 6.1 Highline are rubbish. Absolut5 I’m in Newbury, where abouts in Wiltshire are you? It might be easier to get to fit fit the upgrades.
I’m glad it’s not just me who thinks the speakers in the 6.1 Highline are rubbish. Absolut5 I’m in Newbury, where abouts in Wiltshire are you? It might be easier to get to fit fit the upgrades.
We are based near Stonehenge, just a min off the A303
We are based near Stonehenge, just a min off the A303
I'm looking for a loom that starts with a brown iso connector and goes to crossovers in the doors (unless there is a better place to mount and then from the crossover to the door speaker and a pillar speaker. Do you sell these and what price are they please? Thanks
I'm looking for a loom that starts with a brown iso connector and goes to crossovers in the doors (unless there is a better place to mount and then from the crossover to the door speaker and a pillar speaker. Do you sell these and what price are they please? Thanks
We can make an loom up

pm me with the equipment you have