Hi I'm Solow Suspension, here to help.

Solow Suspension

Trade Member
T6 Pro
Hi I'm Andy from Solow Suspension. I'm not here to try and sell you anything or tell you our suspension is the best. People with our suspension installed do that for us. I'm just here to help and answer any questions. I have nothing bad to say about anyone else's suspension, regardless to what i think of it as thats really unprofessional. I am here to stop the Constant Recurring Slander on the Solow, Bilstein and Twin Adjust Projekt range.
Do you have any So Low authorised reseller and fitters in Cornwall? I'm way down near Lands End and couldnt find.

I went for Twin Monotube Projekt and I'm very happy with them but initially I wanted So Low when I bought the van, just wanted local fitting and support.
Hello Andy, didnt realise you were not on here already. :thumbsup:
I'd never felt the need to before. I'd just left the owners of Solow Suspension do the talking for us. Some people had told me there were some miss truths being floated about the forum. I thought it was the right time i joined to help answer any questions people may have in more depth :)
Welcome Andy, to repeat Jon and Andy G i have had Solow Coils fitted a couple of months ago by one of your new approved installers Supreme Coneversions and absolutely love them compared to my old coil overs these offer a better ride quality. When I broke a spring on my old coils there was no hesitation in what was going to replace them

Hope to have Solow Air in the future


Do you have any So Low authorised reseller and fitters in Cornwall? I'm way down near Lands End and couldnt find.

I went for Twin Monotube Projekt and I'm very happy with them but initially I wanted So Low when I bought the van, just wanted local fitting and support.
Twin Adjust Projekt is a great coilover. We also distribute those in the UK. Here is a link to the approved suspension installer map. I hope this helps Our Stockists - Our Suppliers | So Low Suspension
Welcome Andy, to repeat Jon and Andy G i have had Solow Coils fitted a couple of months ago by one of your new approved installers Supreme Coneversions and absolutely love them compared to my old coil overs these offer a better ride quality. When I broke a spring on my old coils there was no hesitation in what was going to replace them

Hope to have Solow Air in the future

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Now that sits so well. Lovely look van you have there! Caffeine and machine right? I'm really pleased to hear you're getting on so well with Solow coilovers. Reading thing's like this make all the hard work in developing the full Solow range worth while.
Now that sits so well. Lovely look van you have there! Caffeine and machine right? I'm really pleased to hear you're getting on so well with Solow coilovers. Reading thing's like this make all the hard work in developing the full Solow range worth while.
yes Caffine and Machine. Keep up the hard work

I’m also on solow suspension and a fully converted camper

Tbh I had to raise mine to the max but still got the look I wanted :)
Love it and the ride quality is great

To think I could drop it more

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Great looking van Andy
Hi I'm Andy from Solow Suspension. I'm not here to try and sell you anything or tell you our suspension is the best. People with our suspension installed do that for us. I'm just here to help and answer any questions. I have nothing bad to say about anyone else's suspension, regardless to what i think of it as thats really unprofessional. I am here to stop the Constant Recurring Slander on the Solow, Bilstein and Twin Adjust Projekt range.
I like what you did there ;)

Looking at a NSL kit myself, just the funds I am short on! Shame you don't offer finance :)