How do I access MFD to change service interval in 19 Trendline.

Guessing it’s me, but I don’t know how to access mfd data. Been sat in the van ten minutes with no luck. I’d like to change the service schedule to Long Life and change the digital speedo from Kph to Mph. I don’t have steering wheel controls.
Done a search but can’t find anything helpful.
Can anyone help ?

I’d like to change the service schedule to Long Life
Try this:
Just hold the 0.0 button in front of the steering wheel then turn the ignition on (dont start the engine)
Hold it for a couple seconds then let go of the button when it displays reset oil, then press the button again to actually reset it

If you want to reset the inspection interval do the same process again but hold the button for a few seconds longer it will go to oil reset then to inspection reset then let go off the button while inspection is displayed, then press the button again to perform the reset

If you hold it a few seconds longer again it will go to oil then inspection then back to normal

change the digital speedo from Kph to Mph
You'll need to use Carista or similar to change your MFD location to suit Australia. If / when you've done that, you can untick 'show alternate speed' to remove the KPH and then choose Display Digital Speed in the MFD options that come up only when you're stationary.
You can only reset the service interval to a time + distance regime on the dash, not longlife.. That'll need a laptop to reset to longline,

What makes you want to change to longlife?