Rant Warning- please use the search

Salty Spuds

Senior Member
VIP Member
T6 Legend
First off, this is aimed at no particular person, but if the cap fits......

Is it me just getting old & grumpy, or does there seem to be a plethora of folk who just seem to wander onto the forum, usually after they've encountered a problem with their new van, and ask the same question that's been asked times many? They don't can't be arsed to use the Search function, which IMHO is one of the most powerful tools available on the forum. Many times it's a vague generic question, without any detail, background, history etc. & we have to question them at length to get any meaningful info in order to offer any assistance, it's like pulling teeth sometimes. It's a Google mentality, "I'll just ask on the forum & someone will drop what they're doing & give me an answer".
There are some very detailed threads & articles on here, that people have taken the time & effort to put into words, that cover just about every subject that can arise with our vans. From Camper electrics, to Suspension & wheels, it's very rare that a genuinely new subject arises. Now I'm not saying that questions shouldn't be asked, they are the lifeblood of the forum, but please do a bit of basic research first & then come with some specifics.

{exit rant mode}

I'll get me coat
Well i can see your point .......BUT....if there were at lot less new posts, would the forum loose it's momentum ?

Plus it's a fabulous feeling for newcomers to put up their own post and get involved, this possibly leading to more interaction in future posts etc..

Whilst i'm on today i might just put up a few new posts like.... What oil to use ? or What wheels !!!! :rofl:
Equally annoying is the forum member who feels it is necessary to post an answer on every thread whether they know answer or not - usually the latter and complete BS!

Not so much a problem here and usually there is an ignore button.
I think the less polite term is 'UTFS'. That said, I do sometimes find that the search subject, followed by 'T6 Forum' works better in Google than just using searching subject on this site.
To your second point, ditto. That is exactly what I use to realise in all of the forums am in.
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As a recent member I've been trawling through countless threads answering questions I'd been wondering about my van and am now much better informed for it.

One benefit of using search function is you end up going off at tangents reading and learning about stuff you had no idea about.
First off, this is aimed at no particular person, but if the cap fits......

Is it me just getting old & grumpy, or does there seem to be a plethora of folk who just seem to wander onto the forum, usually after they've encountered a problem with their new van, and ask the same question that's been asked times many? They don't can't be arsed to use the Search function, which IMHO is one of the most powerful tools available on the forum. Many times it's a vague generic question, without any detail, background, history etc. & we have to question them at length to get any meaningful info in order to offer any assistance, it's like pulling teeth sometimes. It's a Google mentality, "I'll just ask on the forum & someone will drop what they're doing & give me an answer".
There are some very detailed threads & articles on here, that people have taken the time & effort to put into words, that cover just about every subject that can arise with our vans. From Camper electrics, to Suspension & wheels, it's very rare that a genuinely new subject arises. Now I'm not saying that questions shouldn't be asked, they are the lifeblood of the forum, but please do a bit of basic research first & then come with some specifics.

{exit rant mode}

I'll get me coat
@Salty Spuds - your rant has been ranted before:

Maybe, you should have used the search function...

:cool: :thumbsup:
Common Sense…….its the big thing that’s missing in today society……Nanny Culture….Spoon Feeding……

Consult the Oracle .. ( that is the T6 forum)…..use this tool wisely and SEARCH for your answers ….:laugh::laugh:
@Salty Spuds - your rant has been ranted before:

Maybe, you should have used the search function...

:cool: :thumbsup:

Well this is just plain awkward :whistle:

:slow rofl:
@Salty Spuds - your rant has been ranted before:

Maybe, you should have used the search function...

:cool: :thumbsup:
I think any parent will know this feeling, actually my wife probably does too :rolleyes: !
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