Orion Smart-engine shutdown detected


T6 Pro
So I’m heading North on my vans near maiden voyage to the outer Hebrides. Anyway I thought I would check my charger is performing and it appears it’s turned off as it’s not detecting the engine. I’m pretty sure it had been working, could anybody hazard a guess as to what’s occurring? Unfortunately I don’t have a multi meter but if someone could have a look at my settings it would be really appreciated.

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If your starter battery is near or at 80% charged, the alternator will be idle(not charging) so the start voltage of 14v won't have been reached, you can check this by tuning on the lights and fan up to create some draw and alternator should kick in and the voltage will rise to trigger the charger. According to those settings, you will then have to wait 120seconds until it starts charging.


  • Engine-on-detection-set-up-Orion-Tr-Smart-DC-DC-Charger-EN (1).pdf
    294.9 KB · Views: 22
If your starter battery is near or at 80% charged, the alternator will be idle(not charging) so the start voltage of 14v won't have been reached, you can check this by tuning on the lights and fan up to create some draw and alternator should kick in and the voltage will rise to trigger the charger. According to those settings, you will then have to wait 120seconds until it starts charging.

Yeah, the 120 seconds (if that's what 'Delayed start voltage delay' means) is problematic because it's too short to get triggered by regenerative braking for example so, as @Loz says the charging might just switch off when the starter is above 80%. As a short term fix, maybe reduce it to try and kick the charging in more often, or force high voltages with loads like AC as @Loz says.

In general, using engine run heuristics like this is tricky with start/stop engines, longer term you're almost certainly better wiring it into ignition live (or even better the actual engine run signal) to get reliable charging.
more info here:

either use-Tap from SC fuse box - center line of fuses. . .


