Meant to have bought a van……

Hang in there @Gordon1702 , there's another out there with your name on it Some morons are listening to the press who are still banging on about "vanlife" and keeping prices up. Your seller is just pushing his luck and being a tw@. Get your deposit back, see how that affects him this time of the year.
Don't be ripped off. That will happen anyway once you have the van!
Walk , and Walk tall ,it isn't meant to be ( i think you had already made your decision with your gut feeling with your original post ) .
There is still a choice out there, it may well be a week or three away ! the festive period will flatten your disappointment and you'll be ready to search again in the New Year.
All the best and good luck :thumbsup:
Gazumping was stopped in the 80's. If you're selling something and agree a price, don't be a c..t when someone is late to the party and offers more. Suck it up. You've made an agreement. It's legally binding whether you want it to be our not.
PS I'm not a lawyer either so take advice.
Well said, people climbing over each other to do the same with a vehicle that isn’t even built.
That's a cheap shot and [too] easy for someone who already has a van to say.
I’ve ment to have bought a new van, well new to me I spoke to the guy selling it 2 wks ago and put a deposit on it. Got a message tonight saying he’d been offered more than the price we had agreed on!! He is now saying he will give me my deposit back or I can pay the 2k more someone else is offering! What would you do?
He may be just trying to squeeze more money out of you, Tell him you'll take your money back buy if he says the guys pulled out, GET YOUR MONEY BACK

He ain't worth it