camping tips

  1. Jamiev

    Single most useful thing

    We are picking up our first camper on Saturday and are already shopping for all the stuff we need which made me wonder: what is the single most useful thing that you have bought to improve your camper or camping?
  2. Drive Wayne

    Van Adventures. What have you forgotten to take with you and how did you overcome Adversity?!

    OK, so our first trip out this year was last weekend to the first Forum Spring Camp gatheration at Sibbertoft. Setting up our hoofing great 'drive away' awning on my own (wifey was coming along later after work) in gusty winds was truly wonderful when I discovered I had left my figure 8 kador...
  3. The Flying Scotsman

    What are your top 5 things you’ve bought for/fitted to your van?

    What are your favourite things you have bought for or fitted to your van? Can be modifications to the van itself to camping equipment. Anything that improved your enjoyment when using your van. Pics would also be great. My top 5 in no particular order are. Swivel drivers Has totally...
  4. Samro

    Your best and worst van-related purchases.

    Renogy 170Ah Lifepo4 battery is performing amazingly and I have found this battery so reliable. No frills...... Just an internal BMS which does what it says on the tin...
  5. Texxaco

    Handy hints

    Having searched the forum I thought that a handy hints thread would be good for all those quick tips we all learn along the way. My tip: My van is a Kombi, the rear seats kept making a metal on metal clanging sound when I hit a pothole or bump, the fix, where the seats lock into the fitting...
  6. Elliecamper2

    Fun Ideas for camping

    hey guys, Me and my dog Teddy are going camping end of this week, we are just chilling & having a forest walking holiday as we need it. Has anyone got any fun ideas to do? me and my boyfriend are stuck as my parents aren't here to help us with ideas, we have a camper and it's good it is...
  7. M

    Complete Newbie looking for Camping tips

    Hi All. I am a complete novice re campervans but the proud owner of a beautiful T6.1 - dark grey. I would very much appreciate any advice or tips for our first trip away later this week. Anything you wished you had known or thought about when you went on your first trip? Many thanks
  8. Kfant1

    Equipment - must have / useful / can't do without items

    Hi We’re getting closer to our camper build being finished and We have have booked our 1st trip away over easter as well as camper jam. We’re starting to buy bits to keep in the camper, cutlery, pans, storage boxes, thermal blinds for the front etc. Is there anything you couldnt live without...
  9. VanDamMan

    Camping Ideas and Tips

    Hi All... We Seem to have lots of good ideas ..but sometimes hard to find so I’ve started this post for somewhere to share ..General Camping Tips ... my first offering.. So you may have already seen my own version of a mobile battery box...the new tip is for trying to keep your flagpole...
  10. Katoof

    Camper-Vanners: What do you keep in your van?

    So picked up our newly converted van- so pleased to get it back this week. We are so happy, it’s completely transformed. We are hoping to go away next weekend for a night or two. As we have never had a camper we are unsure what to do about keeping equipment in the van. What, if anything do you...
  11. M

    Worst Fear Witnessed On The Motorway Today...

    ... Always check your straps folks! :cry: I've added zip ties to mine to prevent the same. Roof flew open at 60mph. Ripped to pieces. I would of stopped to help but I was in a rush picking my daughter up from school.
  12. andy greenwood

    Winter Wild Camping - Anyone Doing It ?

    We are thinking of a night of wild camping next weekend, as we dont have a diesel night heater i imagine it may be very cold . Is anyone out there a seasoned hardcore winter wild camper and if so , whats it like ? Cheers
  13. Teesix

    12v insect electrocutor??

    As per the title, I'm looking for something decent enough to zap any mosquito/gnat/midge that dares to enter my awning and van. Can anyone recommend a decent light please? preferably rechargeable. It's not being bitten that I don't like, it's that really annoying high pitched buzz they make...
  14. kn0bby

    What Pots & Pans Are You Using?

    Need some suggestions please.. Pots and pans to use with my Cadac and hob inside the van. Thanks..
  15. GB_Vdub

    Van Friendly Forest Campsites

    Wondering if anyone can recommend a good campsite, preferably southwest UK, with a woodland feel, that's also camper van friendly? I've found lots of woody campsites, but they all seem to have parking at the entrance, i.e. no cars on site. I'm trying to recreate some of the RV experiences I had...
  16. ausyray

    How to keep the van cool overnight when it's raining...

    With two adults and a large greyhound we find the van can get a bit stuffy overnight. We normally put an external cover over the front and open up the front windows and then open the sliding window too but, what to do when it's raining? How do other people keep fresh air into the back of the...