How to convince the wife to take a dump in a porta potti?

True Romance

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T6 Legend
Not really due to the current reopening of campsites and the lack of facilities but more about increasing our site options.

So we have a small cheap porta potti that is used maining during the night for a wee. Have just ordered a Thetford 565 as this seems more toilet like to try and get the Mrs to use it for number 2's so we can use smaller sites with no bathroom facilities. However she's having none of it and insists she will never have a dump in one. How can I convince her otherwise? Found some great looking places but all without toilets which we are missing out on.

How do you all get on with your Mrs, are they the same or happy to take a number 2?

Thank you.
Not really due to the current reopening of campsites and the lack of facilities but more about increasing our site options.

So we have a small cheap porta potti that is used maining during the night for a wee. Have just ordered a Thetford 565 as this seems more toilet like to try and get the Mrs to use it for number 2's so we can use smaller sites with no bathroom facilities. However she's having none of it and insists she will never have a dump in one. How can I convince her otherwise? Found some great looking places but all without toilets which we are missing out on.

How do you all get on with your Mrs, are they the same or happy to take a number 2?

Thank you.
Try a laxative.........she might not have a choice!!!
Once on our way back from Devon (to Leicester) we got stuck in major traffic on the M5. Our daughter, probably 10 or 11 said she desperately needed the loo. The sweat on her brow we knew it wasnt a wee.

Dived in the boot and got the crabbing bucket and a bin liner and she did it in the car with an audience.

One I’m saving for the ‘Father of the Bride’ speach!

Perhaps your wife could have a dry run at home to build confidence? All caravans have toilets like these without the posh surroundings!
Umm ...Potty training .....take her to Busfest , the ladies queue for hours...she’ll soon see the potty has it’s place....or buy a potty cover make it all pretty


ps Other colours available :laugh:

pps.. We did buy a toilet tent but A. It’s got in big letters ‘TOILET ‘ on outside ( sure to put her Off)
B. It’s a real shit to to put up....

so with that in mind I looking at a 2/3 man tent with high head room to use as toilet tent and storage and changing room :thumbsup:
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We use a bucket with a compostable bag. No chemicals and the bucket is multi-purpose
Basics for life is eat, drink, breathe and sh@t, once you have those mastered it’s possible to move onto shopping, internet, Facebook, TV and all the other drivel that humans find essential.
My wife is a nightmare for constantly needing to pee. Due to lockdown and no toilets being available, I've strapped the portaloo in the back of the van so that we can go and do the food shopping, because otherwise she'd be in a massive stressy, scared she'd need the loo whilst out of the house, knowing that there was no where to go. She blames having babies, and them dancing up and down on her bladder for many months.
Not quite the same issue as you raise around #2's, but proof that when you are that desperate, with no other alternative, its amazing what you can bring yourself to do.
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Being serious for a moment, try and understand her concerns.

Privacy ? Will she be invisible to others ? Perhaps a toilet tent inside the awning. Close the blinds in the van.
Cleanliness ? Packets of fragranced wet-wipes to hand. Air freshener. Hand gel etc.

Remind her that she will be sitting on the cleanest loo available and one that isn’t used by anyone outside of the family - that a “plus” side?!! (SWMBO point blank refuses to use site facilities as she insists on using ours)
Remind her that she will be sitting on the cleanest loo available and one that isn’t used by anyone outside of the family - that a “plus” side?!! (SWMBO point blank refuses to use site facilities as she insists on using ours)

This has got to be the strongest argument in a Covid world.

My lady ran the Loch Ness Marathon a few years back, after a very large breakfast hundreds of people were bussed out of Inverness into the middle of nowhere and with no facilities. Everybody had the same requirements and spaced out by a few meters in some woodland. It goes to show that we are all the same and there is no shame in going to the toilet.
How British society ended up in this position I’m not sure but there are many parts of the world where this stigma doesn’t exist. We all do it, 99% of us are not interested in watching somebody else do it and therefore nobody will be watching you.
That said we are streets ahead of Americans who can’t even say the word.
Being serious for a moment, try and understand her concerns.

Privacy ? Will she be invisible to others ? Perhaps a toilet tent inside the awning. Close the blinds in the van.
Cleanliness ? Packets of fragranced wet-wipes to hand. Air freshener. Hand gel etc.

Yes got all that covered Pete. No issues around privacy. Going for a wee is not a problem. Think its more about the emptying situation that's got her worked up.