Got one from BT Technical today. My wife answered thinking it was our son phoning from work, she noted a local number and then was asked about our broadband. She past the phone to me and on the other end an Indian sounding guy asking how I was and told me he was from BT Technical, I replied I did not use them. His answer was that they supplied services to all the other suppliers. Not mine I knew as it is the old NTL World fibre. He then babbled on about broadband security but by then my wife was gesturing to cut the call so I said sorry I cannot understand you and hung up. Checking the area code which was for where we live was right but it started 313 which does not look right fro around the area I live, It should start with a 65 or higher.
Watch out for this one it was our area code followed with 131862 on the end.
Watch out for this one it was our area code followed with 131862 on the end.