So, I have two daughters, one who's 17 this year and like her Father, a proper petrol head, and an unrealistic diva. She won't be taking lessons until November when she turns 17, but already she's got her heart set on a certain car, and certain look. 
I've just been running through some prices on different cars for her, basing on her having just passed her test.
Now, I knew it was going to be quite a costly experience buying, tweaking and getting her car how she wants it. (oh and gone have the days where we used to have to buy our own cars, and settled for £500 bangers that we just 'did up' ourselves, before anyone says) I probably haven't helped the situation, because i've always encouraged my eldest daughter to not follow the crowd when it comes to cars, plus I actually want her to own a nice looking car as her first.
Also, she's been in private education from the start of school life, and some of the kids there have parents that can buy the moon if they so wished. So she understands that we are not quite in that league, and she can have a car that's nice, but not daft nice or new. The difference between me, and her friends parents, is I know how to make a car stand out, where as they buy them finished off the shelf, and loose them in a carpark because they all look the same.
Now here's the issue as any other parent or young person will totally understand. Insuring a car, or actually any car that's not ready for the scrap yard. She originally wanted a Mini, like her Mother has, but then her friends started getting Mini's. I suggested an older 1 series, but I cannot seem to find a look that I can achieve on a 1 series that doesn't actually look better than what BMW did. We finally settled on an Audi A1. Small, strong, very nice to mod (paintwork, wheels etc) She insists on Black, with Black wheels, and everything gloss Blacked (not sure where she gets her inspiration from
Anyway, after running her details though a comparison site for rough ideas on costs, I got these rather shocking results, and these prices are the cheapest from the list.
Audi A1 1.4 petrol £4392
2009 BMW 1.6 Petrol £4100
My wives mini cooper SD £4195
MY T6 out of pure curiosity, ready for this...... £10,867 and only 1 insurer would cover.
My mother in laws 2014 Golf Tdi Bluemotion £5685
Lastly, a 2004 Mini one off the internet that's at £900 and failed it's MOT on a list of things that make it more economical to scrap, at the cheapest insurance quote of £1495
I'm sure there will be those of you that do the whole, make her get a job and pay for this herself thing, but as a Father, and a self confessed petrol head, that loves messing around with cars, and even more so for my Daughter, I am totally gutted that todays kids will rarely get to experience what we did when we started driving, and the buzz of owning your first car. I actually wanted to buy her first car, because I can, and my parents couldn't, but even I just cannot justify these types of costs for 12 months cover, and don't know what to actually do now. So back to the drawing board.
I've just been running through some prices on different cars for her, basing on her having just passed her test.
Now, I knew it was going to be quite a costly experience buying, tweaking and getting her car how she wants it. (oh and gone have the days where we used to have to buy our own cars, and settled for £500 bangers that we just 'did up' ourselves, before anyone says) I probably haven't helped the situation, because i've always encouraged my eldest daughter to not follow the crowd when it comes to cars, plus I actually want her to own a nice looking car as her first.
Also, she's been in private education from the start of school life, and some of the kids there have parents that can buy the moon if they so wished. So she understands that we are not quite in that league, and she can have a car that's nice, but not daft nice or new. The difference between me, and her friends parents, is I know how to make a car stand out, where as they buy them finished off the shelf, and loose them in a carpark because they all look the same.
Now here's the issue as any other parent or young person will totally understand. Insuring a car, or actually any car that's not ready for the scrap yard. She originally wanted a Mini, like her Mother has, but then her friends started getting Mini's. I suggested an older 1 series, but I cannot seem to find a look that I can achieve on a 1 series that doesn't actually look better than what BMW did. We finally settled on an Audi A1. Small, strong, very nice to mod (paintwork, wheels etc) She insists on Black, with Black wheels, and everything gloss Blacked (not sure where she gets her inspiration from

Anyway, after running her details though a comparison site for rough ideas on costs, I got these rather shocking results, and these prices are the cheapest from the list.
Audi A1 1.4 petrol £4392
2009 BMW 1.6 Petrol £4100
My wives mini cooper SD £4195
MY T6 out of pure curiosity, ready for this...... £10,867 and only 1 insurer would cover.
My mother in laws 2014 Golf Tdi Bluemotion £5685
Lastly, a 2004 Mini one off the internet that's at £900 and failed it's MOT on a list of things that make it more economical to scrap, at the cheapest insurance quote of £1495
I'm sure there will be those of you that do the whole, make her get a job and pay for this herself thing, but as a Father, and a self confessed petrol head, that loves messing around with cars, and even more so for my Daughter, I am totally gutted that todays kids will rarely get to experience what we did when we started driving, and the buzz of owning your first car. I actually wanted to buy her first car, because I can, and my parents couldn't, but even I just cannot justify these types of costs for 12 months cover, and don't know what to actually do now. So back to the drawing board.