T6 Delays

Awesome news!!
How long it takes from factory to handover?
Did you manage to get it tracked somehow?
They say 7-10 days from factory to port (Emden) 48hours to ship then 7-10 days fro Grimsby to dealer.
Ours was 3 days +24h plus 10.
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my dealer said upto 7 working days to him from grimsby, but he said they have been getting them quick just lately , we shall see
The idea of JIT and Kanban to reduce inventary cost is so old now that it beggars belief that VW (et al) take 24 hours to assemble a van and then 4+ weeks to deliver it. The value of all the as yet undelivered vehicles by the average time it takes to deliver them must be enormous ;)
It is amazing the delivery time after build ! surly it could be unproved these days !
Here at last!!! Picked up my Kombi yesterday evening, really chuffed with it, only problem being I'm so busy with work I can't get out and drive it so it's sat on the drive with 14 miles on the clock....