We’ve just bought our first van (t6) a few day ago, and the leisure battery hasn’t charged since we’ve had it. It’s now completely dead, the control panel won’t come on at all. We’re still waiting to hear back from the garage we bought it from but probably won’t until Monday, and we wanted to use it before then.
It has a Sterling battery to battery charger in it, so I assumed it would charge off the starter battery when driving, we’ve done well over 100 miles in the few days we’ve had it. I kept checking the control panel and watched the v slowly go down to nothing. I kept the the leisure power off when we weren't using it of course.
Does anyone have any ideas for quick things to check? Is there something obvious I’ve missed? I’m not really experienced with vehicles but I’ve hired similar vans a couple of times and not had this issue before. Hoping someone can save our weekend plans!
It has a Sterling battery to battery charger in it, so I assumed it would charge off the starter battery when driving, we’ve done well over 100 miles in the few days we’ve had it. I kept checking the control panel and watched the v slowly go down to nothing. I kept the the leisure power off when we weren't using it of course.
Does anyone have any ideas for quick things to check? Is there something obvious I’ve missed? I’m not really experienced with vehicles but I’ve hired similar vans a couple of times and not had this issue before. Hoping someone can save our weekend plans!