Leisure battery and heater under driver seat??


Hi all. I’m planning out where to put my leisure battery, split charger etc but want to fit a night heater with the hot air vent coming up through the driver seat base. Will I fit everything under the seat or do I need to relocate the electrics to make way? Thanks.
Hi all. I’m planning out where to put my leisure battery, split charger etc but want to fit a night heater with the hot air vent coming up through the driver seat base. Will I fit everything under the seat or do I need to relocate the electrics to make way?
If you mean placing the heater externally in the OEM position and bringing the duct up into the seat base, it can be done as that was my plan. I spent along time researching and moving my electrics around to suit however when I fitted the heater I found it much easier to bring it up at the back of the seat base.
I was wondering whether it was possible to bring it up behind the seat base. Thanks for the info. Do you have a picture handy?
I have heater installed in OEM location with vent pipe coming up under drivers seat. I also have dcdc battery charger and halfords hlb800 battery under the seat. I'll hopefully be installing LiFePO4 next week and I'll try get some pics.
Hi, how did you seal the floor where the heating duct passes through? Is that silkaflex or do I need something heat resistant?
Hi ,what did you use exactly to treat the cut metal? And which silkaflex did you use. ?Has it got to be heat resistant.?
Metal primer and a touch up stick for the paint and standard sikaflex. It has been in 18months and I’ve not had any problems.