Caffeine & Machine - June 2020

That orange van in the Instagram feed... Low front bonnet and different lights? Looks angry!
That orange van in the Instagram feed... Low front bonnet and different lights? Looks angry!

Officially called a 'bad boy' bonnet. We were doing this modification back in the 90's with hot hatches, and can look really cool.
Not made my mind up about this on the T6, and think the lights are just the normal LEDs, but appreciate the work that's gone into it, and I guess THQ have a certain pressure to keep pushing the envelope.
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Thanks @Tourershine seen them before but didn't know it was a general mod. T5, saxo, golf all doing it. Looks good. Lotta work tho. Need another bonnet, and a light upgrade!
Yeah I remember loads of bonnets like this. Too Max Power and chav for me.
Definitely a “Max Power” type mod from the 90’s. Is Max Power still going? I reckon I got to 23 and it lost its appeal.
Definitely a “Max Power” type mod from the 90’s. Is Max Power still going? I reckon I got to 23 and it lost its appeal.
I’ve no idea if it’s still going.
I had a car One of the mags of that ilk called Redline. In a supplement called Banzai.
I’ve no idea if it’s still going.
I had a car One of the mags of that ilk called Redline. In a supplement called Banzai.
Wiki states it stopped printing in 2011.

It’s funny - I saw a boyed-up Ford Galaxy the other day and my brain immediately got a whiff of magazine print. Bizarre.
Evening all, (Morning to some).
Following our visit to C&M Thursday night I am please to let you know that site camping is available for the Saturday nights, for both booked events(Feb/July).

Also, C&M have offer the use of the 8 rooms should anyone wish to book them in advance.
These 8 rooms will accommodate up to 16 guests.

If this is something that you would like to k ow more about please PM me.

Will also need an idea on camping numbers. Again let me know.

If you can keep sharing this page and C&M 1.of.2 that be great

Cheers Fish.
Gutted i never spotted this years visit to C&M. I'm only down the road too!
I'm keen to participate in the 2020 visit. I know I'm off to Germany for 4/5 days earlier in June but pretty certain I'm back before the 20th.

Good morning Fish,

I hope this email finds you well, and you had a great weekend!
We currently have your group in our calendar for 20th June 2020 and with that in mind, we wanted to let you know about some changes we’re making to the process.

Featured Car Clubs; a new process.

As our first full year draws to a close, we’re left with a lot to look back on and a lot to look forward to. With any new venture or idea that requires flexible processes to understand what works best, there’s a period of reflection that comes with it.

The word is slowly filtering through the UK car world about what Caffeine&Machine is and why we’re here, and we’d like to keep that message going.
We are here as a meeting place; a start, a middle and an end to journeys. A place to meet people just like you who have a passion, a drive or a natural curious nature about what’s under the hood. We appreciate that we have a big carpark, and we can be confused with an events ground; but we really aren’t one. The team worked tirelessly in building Caffeine&Machine for you all to be encouraged to come inside and enjoy it. What keeps C&M alive and running is people taking part in what we offer, whether that is from the bar, buying art off the walls or shopping in the Emporium. What we implore you not to do, is bring your own food and drink and to treat us like an events space. We’re just extra lucky to have a building that sits on twelve beautiful acres of land for you all to enjoy.

With that in mind, we’re tweaking the Featured club process slightly to mirror all of these things and to get people out of their cars, and talking to all of the interesting people in the yard.

So how is it going to work?

On the third weekend of each month, we open the diary to car clubs who want to make a bit of a feature of themselves, and often meet other members for the very first time.
You get to park up to 25 cars in the prime front of house spots and be the first machines people see when they roll in.

These cars must be in and parked up by 9am at the latest. When we get busy on weekends, it can become very hard for us to ‘save spots’ for members who are coming later; and it’s not really fair on anyone else (which is why we don’t do it). If a club member does arrive after 9am, they will have to park wherever there is space which may not be at the front unfortunately.
Other customers will be welcome to park wherever there is space in the same manner, which may mean throughout the morning/day as spaces become available at the front, other people will be welcome to park in them.

We used to ask that cars stayed parked up until 2pm. We appreciate that if you’re on site at 8.30am, you may have other plans for some of the day. This is why we’re bringing that time forward to midday instead. We’d love for you all to stay for lunch as well as breakfast, so feel free to stay for as long as you like.

If you do decide to leave but want to come back later on, please just note that your ticket isn’t valid for re-entry and you will have to pay on the gate to park again. Please note that all parking is at the discretion of the marshals on the day, and we ask that people respectfully listen to any instructions provided.

We’re including a pricing structure- but don’t sigh just yet, it’s a good thing.
Moving forward it will be £10 per car, just like a normal pre-booked parking space, but with added extras! As part of the parking fee, you will get a standard hot drink (non alcoholic though I’m afraid), a bacon or a sausage breakfast roll and a piece of exclusive C&M merchandise (that you can’t buy in the shop!). This effectively still makes your parking absolutely free, winner!

To book yourself and your members in via Eventbrite you can head here:

If for any reason the new process for the Featured Car Clubs wouldn’t work for your club then you’re more than welcome to pre-book standard tickets or pay on the gate as regular customers and park wherever there is space. If you chose to no longer be a featured club I just ask that you please let me know and I can free the date up in our calendar.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, have a great day.

Might be a good idea to meet the night before ( local site) then convoy to the carpark to arrive 0800-0830?
Whaddaya think?

Might be a good idea to meet the night before ( local site) then convoy to the carpark to arrive 0800-0830?
Whaddaya think?
Would guess it would depend on travel distance and Time. I will travel direct due to Work etc