Autowatch Ghost User Guide (change Code)

That reminds me, interacting with the start stop module.
One thing that got me the other day was the module I fitted to press the start stop could coincide with the button presses deactivating the ghost.
Yeh. I changed my code to use the start/stop button when I changed my MFSW for a few days....

Had me stumped a few times when the van wouldn't start....... (had the start/stop module auto set to "off".... so it was pressing the button one extra time without me realising)

All sorted now, changed the code to use other buttons now......phew!
But don't you still have the issue with the ghost seeing the button press from the module?
oh i see what you mean...

yes . . . sort of.

If I've set the SS module to auto press the button on restart and im too quick putting in the Ghost code, then yes the Ghost can register the SS button press.

but what I've been doing (and its second nature now) is to switch the ignition on and glance over at the SS button/light to see what state i left it in before entering the Ghost code. . . .

the SS will either stay off or switch its-self back on . . . . so that slight pause/delay while i look at the button is enough time to then enter the Ghost code like normal and be on my way....

before i was just switching the SS back to OFF before shutting down the van . . . . . but the issue there was i kept forgetting to do that half the times . . . . .=]

So my slight pause before entering the Ghost code is fine, the benefit of the auto SS module out-ways any little niggles with code entry in my book.