Vcds Reporting Poor Oil Quality After Oil Change


New Member
Hi Folks

Just done a regular 10k oil change with Q8 oil 5 - 30 extra long life VW 504/507 approved. VCDS is still showing poor quality oil after about 20 miles. Does this sensor require time to react? All other resets are ok.

Thanks for your help
Hi Folks

Just done a regular 10k oil change with Q8 oil 5 - 30 extra long life VW 504/507 approved. VCDS is still showing poor quality oil after about 20 miles. Does this sensor require time to react? All other resets are ok.

Thanks for your help
My understanding is that the “Oil Quality” is just a parameter in adaptation channels of module 17 – Instruments and thus could be changed by VCDS.

Actually there are two adaptation channels referring to “Oil Quality”.
IDE00492-MAS02012-ESI: Coding of Service Interval Extension (SIE)-Oil quality
My guess is that this is the “default” value which is restored when oil change is registered by resetting the service counter.​
IDE00515-ESI: oil quality
I believe this is just the“current” value – which can be changed to “good quality” by VCDS.​

The above is based on some related experiments on adjacent adaptation channels as documented in post -> First Oil Change? and just assuming the “Oil Quality” would behave the same. Anyways, I’m willing to stand corrected here.
Thanks for that. VW say its a the flag statement that will be displayed when the sensor detects poor oil quality. Nothing to worry about. There are no fault codes on the system and nothing on the dash display.
