Switch panels...


T6 Pro
I need 2 switch panels. One with 6 switches, one with 2 switches (both 2 way switched with 2 on the other panel). It'd be nice if they both had a USB and a 12v socket too. I thought there would be plenty of options but pickings are slim. Loads on eBay/amazon but I'd imagine of fairly dubious wiring quality. Not keen on the CBE stuff in general but alot of people use it so perhaps that is the best route.

Any other options? I'm almost tempted to make them but would prefer to buy.

I did find a touch screen one that was fancy but I'd imagine it will drive me mad!

Saw some of these products at a VW show this year, they can make any combo required in a variety of styles and they look pretty good and price seemed very reasonable only thing i noticed though is there obsession with branding everything, hopefully you can request items without it ??
The problem is they're still using the round switches that are £1 a dozen on eBay and adorn every camper build. Someone needs to make some less "diy hobby" looking switches, maybe in brushed metal or something, to give a more modern look
Seen these, the branding is a bit naff but think they make custom ones. Anyone seen the wiring on them? I guess swapping a couple of the on/off switches to on/on for a 2 way light should he easy enough.