Radio code needed [Composition Media]


New Member
I've had my T6 for 4 years from a car dealership.
Recently, small gaps were fixed in it and it stayed with a mechanic for 2 weeks.
I picked up the car and unfortunately the radio is blocked (displays CODE). Can I somehow unlock them myself or do I have to go to the car service?
Thanks for all information and protips ;)
If is worked before, it should still work.

It may be that the battery has been disconnected and the van needs to see the radio again. Sometimes this can take a few goes before they pair up again.
What radio?


Got a pic?
The radio is the same from the beginning.
Unfortunately, I don't have a photo.
Visually, I remember the radio has 3 buttons on the left and 3 buttons on the right.
Radio Media Phone and Eject Setup Sound
Do you have the original logbook folder? Sometimes the code is written down either in the service log book or the manual. Or it could be on a small bit of paper shoved into the front of the wallet which holds everything.
Do they install radios in the t6 that can be unlocked with a code manually? Somewhere I read that they gave up on it and the t5.1 was the last to have a radio and a code to unlock