New garage addition for home working in the coming winter months


Electrical and Retrofit Mobile Specialist
T6 Guru
With 'er in doors not allowing me to set up a work station in the house, I grabbed something to make working in the garage more comfortable...


More fool her, I'll be spending way more time in the garage now!

Wait, was that her plan all along??!?!
Nice one, will be keen to see how you set this up and I'm thinking of doing something similar myself. My workshop is freezing in the winter and was thinking either diesel heater or electric. The advantage of the diesel is that it should hopefully be cheaper to run than the electric.
Especially if run on heating oil (kerosene).
I was looking to run it on a mix of red derv and Kerosene to help with the pump lube but it seems UK Kerosene doesn't kill the pumps as much?
I was looking to run it on a mix of red derv and Kerosene to help with the pump lube but it seems UK Kerosene doesn't kill the pumps as much?
An oil fired central heating fuel pump is a pretty delicate item and they manage OK unless left static to long, incorrect filtering or water content too high.
I might know of people who are running their old Euro 4’s on it.
I fitted this in my garage 2 years ago and it’s been a game changer during winter months tinkering with my classic motorbikes,
I had to build a stillage to lift the heater high enough so that the exhaust and air intake could be run through the outside wall, or you could use shelf brackets with a base.


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Apologies if I'm being a little dim, but are there no worries with emissions, exhaust gasses and the like that may potentially cause premature death for example?
Not if installed correctly I was an heating engineer before retirement and I have 2 classic bikes in my garage so possible petrol fumes etc, so I ran my exhaust and air intake pipes through my garage wall and extended the exhaust pipe approx 2 feet away from the air intake so that the exhaust fumes did not mix with the air intake which would have given incomplete combustion. It works on a similar principle of a gas or oil flu terminal.

I’ve edited post 8 as it wasn’t a 5 kw heater I bought but an 8 kw diesel heater.

I have been reading that it's commonly known that there is no such thing as an 8kw heater, just sellers falsely advertising the 5kw as an 8kw. Have you measured yours to see if it really is 8kw? Or are the information sources I've been reading misinformed?
I have been reading that it's commonly known that there is no such thing as an 8kw heater, just sellers falsely advertising the 5kw as an 8kw. Have you measured yours to see if it really is 8kw? Or are the information sources I've been reading misinformed?
I’ve heard the same, but I wouldn’t know how to measure if 5kw or 8kw, alls I know it heats my 22’6”x10’6” garage really well.
