List Of Leather Upholstery Suppliers

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Dirty Weekender have a full leather re-trim service. Mine are 4 years old now, 30000 miles still going strong & starting to get that nice “aged leather” patina.
I had my MX5 done by seat surgeons back in 2016 and what a job. There was nothing that was to much for them to do and as I preordered complete seat covers they allowed me to see what/how they did it all. Door panels gear stick etc etc. It was a great day out. I won a few prizes because of their work.

Not VW campervan but you get the idea.
I'm using DK.
Should land at the fabricators next week and be installed by the end of the month :thumbsup:
T6 Forum Seat Share.png
Yes pal
Luke laid the three materials down on the bench to show me, they didn’t look anything special
Then he got a finished customers seat down and wow totally different look