Leisuredrive Vivante NDS Battery Charger Voltage Free Contacts


VIP Member
I'm looking for advice. My Leisuredrive Vivante has an NDS Battery Charger, and the Voltage Free Contacts are in use. I'm unable to trace the wires connected to the contacts and would like to change the charger for a Victron smart charger. The charger manual describes the contacts as for use as a remote indicator function - a lamp or similar to indicate when the charger is in use. There is no such simple lamp.
Can anyone think what those contacts could be being used for?
Unless it's clearer in the flesh that diagram doesn't show much at all, there is a tangle of lines around a box marked "fuse box" that may as well be labelled "here be dragons"

If the volt free contacts are not being used for an indicator they could be being used to switch something else on when your van is on EHU. So a possible test is to disconnect them and see what stops working, making the ends of the wire safe with a bit of tape as you are not sure what else they may be connected to.
Unless it's clearer in the flesh that diagram doesn't show much at all, there is a tangle of lines around a box marked "fuse box" that may as well be labelled "here be dragons"

If the volt free contacts are not being used for an indicator they could be being used to switch something else on when your van is on EHU. So a possible test is to disconnect them and see what stops working, making the ends of the wire safe with a bit of tape as you are not sure what else they may be connected to.
That’s helpful thanks. I can’t think of anything that is only on when on hookup but I’ll try this. I’m thinking maybe something to do with the fridge.
Solved! The volt free contact conductors were simply tucked away with the main charger conductors - they weren't connected to anything. Still, this did exercise my grey matter.
I did wonder about suggesting just pulling on them in case they had just tucked the lamp into the void - but I never really like suggesting just hauling on unseen wires in case...

Glad you've got it solved.

Out of interest why are you updating? Your charger isn't one I've seen before but from the manual seems quite competent?
I did wonder about suggesting just pulling on them in case they had just tucked the lamp into the void - but I never really like suggesting just hauling on unseen wires in case...

Glad you've got it solved.

Out of interest why are you updating? Your charger isn't one I've seen before but from the manual seems quite competent?
I have Victron Solar Controller and Battery Monitor and intend updating to Lithium batteries so it's just the next stage to add a Victron charger.
Ah, the older models don't have a LiFePo curve, missed that. Makes total sense.