Kitchen Furniture before RIB 112


VIP Member
I'm part way through converting my T6.1 and trying to plan out what to do next.

Due to delays on the RIB bed delivery, I'm hoping to fit the kitchen / furniture first so that I'm not sitting around for the next two months.

Having read up as much as I can it looks as though most converters fit the bed first, before the kitchen.

Does anyone have any major concern in fitting the kitchen first? I presume it's just making sure the kitchen depth is set correctly?

The furniture I'm using is Kitline Design Coastline and I've specified that it is for a 112cm RIB so should be OK?

Thanks in advance it is much appreciated!
I fitted my kitchen (Evo motion) before the Rib seat, 112 wide seat so ensured enough space when fitting.
I’ve still not fitted the rear upper unit as undecided; space/need.
I fitted my kitchen (Evo motion) before the Rib seat, 112 wide seat so ensured enough space when fitting.
I’ve still not fitted the rear upper unit as undecided; space/need.
Great thanks Andy. I think I'll give it a go as I can't really afford to wait on the RIB. I will make sure there's enough clearance.
Same here, I fitted the units and used a double air bed till the seat arrived.. A mattress topper made all the difference!