Hire companies in Southeast - Conversion with Reimo 3000 Sliding seats


New Member
Before we look to purchase we need to test a conversion vs the California so intend to hire both.

I know where I can go for a California . I just wondered if there were any hire companies that rent conversions?

More specifically I think we want the Reimo3000 sliding bed in any conversion we would eventually purchase .

so really keen to hire a van with one of these if possible

Does anyone know of hire companies in or near Kent that would have these for short breaks please?
Concept multi car in Hythe near Folkestone use Reimo conversions for their hire fleet as they are Reimo agents. Not sure what Reimo bed they use but give them a shout.
Concept multi car in Hythe near Folkestone use Reimo conversions for their hire fleet as they are Reimo agents. Not sure what Reimo bed they use but give them a shout.

thanks @airhoguk