French questions...

Twenty six days here and the longest we've ever gone anywhere on holiday, should be a proper stress test for the marriage :whistle:
Saying that the turnaround point is near Lourdes so hoping we'll be able to see where they filmed Belle and Sebastien and see if we have a miracle and my hair returns.
Quite a few stops starting near Mont St- Michel and taking in La Rochelle, Biarritz, Arcachon... there's more but the boss has the running order and I'm barely making sense with 23 days to go.
Have a great trip @True Romance and don't break any of the showers incase we stay at the same site... ooh, bog rolls there's a thought or adult nappies.:geek:
Currently on the A7 heading to our favourite campsite near Carpentras in the Vaucluse. In France till end of September…

Clear blue skies and 22 degrees just to whet appetites
EU passports or 6-month French Visa?
Currently on the A7 heading to our favourite campsite near Carpentras in the Vaucluse. In France till end of September…

Clear blue skies and 22 degrees just to whet appetites
My favourite part of that journey is hurtling out of the tunnel by the Elf oil refinery and noting the temperature outside has gone up by at least 5C, did this on a Suzuki GS 750 with the Mrs back in the mid 80s when we stayed just outside Cannes.
Monsieur Bricolage is good for DIY stuff if you get stuck - they seem to carry a bigger range of products than UK DIY chains.

SWMBO always laughs at me, as a mooch around the local DIY store is high on my ‘to-do’ list when we’re abroad. :rofl:
Glad I'm not the only one.....
Hah- know it well- we are in Beaumes!
Love the Monday Market there. We normally get a baguette and cheese and wander up to the Church at the top of the old town, great views. Are you at the campsite on the road to Malaucene via the Col de la Madaleine ? I cycle past it every year and it looks like a nice spot...
@Sackmycook Past the church, left fork towards Lafare/Suzette then on the rhs as you exit town. Camping Roquefiguier. Off to do the Maulacene /Bedoin circuit tomorrow . Great little quiet municipal campsite.
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Ah yes, not seen that site but the route to Suzette is on of my favourite climbs followed by the decent into Malaucene. Great bike shop in the marketplace, used to do all the Team Sky bikes and merch
I've got a 25m orange lead and a 10m lead but with a 13A plug on the end for when the vans parked at home so I can swap the 13A plug for a 16A blue one.
This all flies in the face of us having solar and the Roamer lifepo4 battery but after the first Renogy DCC50S packed up last month while in a rain swept Cornwall it knocked my invincibility mode down a bit... quite a lot really as the fridge alone would have emptied the battery eventually.
Regarding M Bricolage I've always been like that when we're abroad, in the US you can get a guy in Home Depot to cut and thread galvanised steel gas barrel which they use for water piping in their older houses, fixed my mates bathroom plumbing in Michigan.
Thanks for the heads up people and have to admit I'm getting just a bit excited in anticipation of trying out my schoolboy French again! :whistle:
Murky bucket, silver plate...
Is the crit air sticker mandatory? I'll be honest, I've done little to no research so far and we head out to France end of July. We aren't going in any main cites, going to Disneyland for a few days, then back up north to Normandy for 4 days. Will I need one for anyone of these places?

And with regards to hook up, can someone please post a picture of the adapter so I know what to look for! It's our first time camping in France so aren't very clued up!
Is the crit air sticker mandatory? I'll be honest, I've done little to no research so far and we head out to France end of July. We aren't going in any main cites, going to Disneyland for a few days, then back up north to Normandy for 4 days. Will I need one for anyone of these places?

And with regards to hook up, can someone please post a picture of the adapter so I know what to look for! It's our first time camping in France so aren't very clued up!
It’s not mandatory unless you are passing through certain zones ( a bit like ULEZ) but not on the autoroutes. However it costs peanuts and if you think there is a chance of visiting a larger city probably worth it. I’d be surprised if Eurodisney wasn’t in a low emissions zone but happy to be corrected.
Turns out offside is now our next source of confusion as one of us has just pointed out that the French drive on the other side of the road... I literally went for a pee and now we've spent nearly three minutes with me mansplaining to a receding figure:cautious: that I'll stick it on my side of the screen.
Apart from losing that one I'll get one of those made up French plug/16A blue skt trailing leads on Amazon.
Edit and if you are passing that would be very kind @sparkzer, like you say I could soon whack a blue sky on the end, cheers Garry.:thumbsup:
Rule of thumb, never refer to off-side or near-side (it's a British thing) , always refer to Right or Left being considered as viewed from behind the vehicle.