Electric windows now clunking [Resolved]


T6 Pro
I recently had to remove the metal casing on the drivers door, after refitting it when I lower the window I get a clunk when it hits bottom, I`m guessing I have messed up the pully somehow. I feel a right numpty. Can anyone point me in the right direction for fixing it please.
Thanks all
If I remember rightly I think there should a stopper near the bottom of the vertical rail.
Check they haven’t fallen out.
Where abouts on the vertical rail does this stopper go?
Mine fell off when I did sound deadening this evening on the passenger side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If I remember right, there is a small retaining hole at the bottom, it was a bit fiddly but with a torch you should see it. Good luck :)