17" steel wheels


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Hi after a bit of info going to change from 20s to 17 steels was going for 235/65/17 rubber on standard height suspension on a T32 van will i need spacers or not lots off info already about but conflicting
Many Thanks
I’m pretty sure that 235 is an option when ordering a van with 17” wheels.
As above. I ran 215/60/17 on my Devonports (standard size) and also ran 235/55/17 which are almost identical circumference etc. without issue.
I currently have 236/65/17 which is a popular AT tyre size. It is bigger so it looks the part and is certainly more comfortable. While it does affect the speedo, what I found was that they cancel out the OEM error. I've checked mine against GPS and the roadside speed displays and it matches perfectly at all speeds up to 70 at least.
@simont64 I run the 235/65's on 8.5" rims with a 34mm offset (Fuel Zephyr's). No spacers required for clearance etc. The rears could do with maybe 15-20mm for looks but they certainly don't "need" spacers.