Have you had chance to play with these yet. Just reading the manual & would I be right in thinking it has a charge algorithm to sense smart charge alternators without a switched signal? Can't see that working myself though?
5. Smart alternator compatibility
The engine is running detection is based on the voltage of the starter battery. The charger is not always able to measure the exact starter battery voltage because of voltage drop over the input cable. The voltage drop is determined by variables like current, cable length and cable gauge. The “engine on detection sequence” will perform periodic tests to determine the exact starter battery voltage during charging. The test result determines if the engine is running and charging can be enabled.
This feature is only active in charger mode and when “engine detection override” is not activated. In converter mode the “input voltage lock-out” determines when the output is active.
Configurable with VictronConnect
Figure 7: Engine on detection sequence
0 1: When the engine runs the alternator voltage will ramp-up, when Vstarter increases above Venable, charging starts.
1 2: Due to the charge current a voltage drop will occur across the input cable (Vcable), this voltage reduces the voltage at the input of the charger (VIN). While VIN remains above Vtest, charging is enabled.
2 3: If VIN drops below Vtest, the “engine on detection sequence” is started. Every 2 minutes the charger is paused for 10 seconds to measure the voltage. Without current flow VIN is equal to Vstarter, if VIN is above Vtest, charging will resume. While remaining in this state, the test is performed every 2 minutes.
3 4: During the detection sequence VIN dropped below Vtest, this means that the engine stopped running and charging must be stopped, the charge sequence is paused.
4 5: VIN increases above Venable, the charge sequences continues.