Van Adventures. What have you forgotten to take with you and how did you overcome Adversity?!

Don’t ask but I have managed to leave the Country with an empty trolley and Passport. I have realised it when boarding the ferry from Hull to Amsterdam.
Heading for Eurocamp in Normandy, two days before departure SWMBO appeared white as a sheet - daughters passport had expired - she was 9 or 10. Furious googling identified it was too late to go to Peterborough for fast track. I found one post of someone doing similar and getting on the ferry so we thought we’d try and blag it at the port, with a plan B of finding somewhere on the south coast.

Anyway, we got there and a phone call made by security, a few stern words and they let us through. As we were so early we were pulled over and thoroughly searched.

This was pre brexit and don’t think it would be possible now. Go check your passport is my advice!

We now have written on our the back page of the calendar who’s passport expires next - its not an experience we want to repeat!

For the duration of the holiday, daughter was known as the ‘illegal immigrant’!
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OK, so our first trip out this year was last weekend to the first Forum Spring Camp gatheration at Sibbertoft.

Setting up our hoofing great 'drive away' awning on my own (wifey was coming along later after work) in gusty winds was truly wonderful when I discovered I had left my figure 8 kador attachment devices back at the ranch.
Fortunately there was only @BoroBoy there at the time who was having enough troubles with his own awning in the cooling breeze to not notice the grief I was experiencing! He did help significantly though with the offer of beer which was duly accepted!
I'd never even thought of it before (being a bit thick) but realised the sewn in kador strip on the awning can be fitted directly to the Fiamma for a 'non drive away' experience.
With a weekend of alcohol consumption and too much to eat we didn't need to drive away anywhere.
All turned out well in the end, the awning actually went up better without the figure 8's.

Surely someone has far more interesting forgotten items than that!
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Drove to the a remote spot owned by a pal of mine in the highlands last year from Worcestershire..... forgot the bedding.....all of it.
Worst thing? The wife noticed in tenbury...(8 miles from where i live) but forgot to say anything because our daughter rang and was rabbitting on with some daughter drama and it slipped her mind.

Found out tired, drunk and desperate for bed at midnight....
So we slept in our clothes under a towel.

Use the heater? Would have done but id left the leisure battery on my workbench.
You'll love this.
Drove to the a remote spot owned by a pal of mine in the highlands last year from Worcestershire..... forgot the bedding.....all of it.
Worst thing? The wife noticed in tenbury...(8 miles from where i live) but forgot to say anything because our daughter rang and was rabbitting on with some daughter drama and it slipped her mind.

Found out tired, drunk and desperate for bed at midnight....
So we slept in our clothes under a towel.

Use the heater? Would have done but id left the leisure battery on my workbench.
Come on @Jonesy123 , us Worcestershire folk are better than that! Said he who got the blame for not topping up the wifes tea bag pot in the van for the Bala meet. She would cope without bedding, but Tea is the first essential! One of the forum crew came to our rescue with PG Tips 'Gold' tea bags, posher than our standard issue PG. Thanks be to Jana.