Union Jack Cover For The Bottom Of The Pop Top Bed


VCDS user
T6 Guru
I’ve seen a Union Jack displayed on the bottom of the pop top bed roof, in essence the new ceiling of the van.
I’ve ordered my pop top roof, are the coverings available to retro fit, or do I need to spec this in now before the roof is fitted?

The journey begins...
Guessing they would be a vinyl wrapp of some description? Any pics of what you've seen.
I'm unable to upload my images for some reason:(
I'll try again in a short while.

Essentially, has anyone covered the bottom part of their pop top bed, (the new ceiling) with anything other than the standard carpet? I've seen some designs here on the forum but typically can't find them now:confused:
check this thread out....

ha. I thought of this the other day as thats my plan. Dont go crazy with wrap, My plan is to buy a flag and tie it up. Should do the job nicely.
Vinyl wrap is pretty cheap. I had a custom one made to fit over a internal door in my home cinema room and it was something like £20 off ebay.