T6 Quad Lock Wiring?

Cool.. is it the genuine alpine wiring harness ? As they are very hard to obtain at the moment, been like that for the past 2-3 months
Is this pic good enough? Judging by the sticker I guess it’s genuine. But that may mean nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks for the help
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Very basic model, if you are replacing it with a aftermarket then the decoder black box converts the ‘CanBus‘ to give a 12v switch feed, the aftermarket loom has a yellow which is 12v permanent and normally a red which is the 12v switch feed

any pictures of the kit you purchased ?

So this is the original wiring which goes into the currenty mounted radio. The brown set are the speakers, so I assume the ones to the left are the power supply. But which ones? there are 4 (or 5?) cables I think. So two must be power - what are the other two (or 3)? But I don't know which are power. In any case, none of them are aligned with any pins in the wiring harness which was supplied with the Alpine. So I guess this is why there is no power getting to it.

Do I need to just relocate the pins? If so, which ones?

Quad lock adapter supplied with the Alpine:


Am I right in thinking that the yellow and Black are the + and - ? And If I relocate the power pins on the VW quadlock to match this one, then the alpine should be supplied power and it should work?


the decoder black box converts the ‘CanBus‘ to give a 12v switch feed, the aftermarket loom has a yellow which is 12v permanent and normally a red which is the 12v switch feed

Are these the three cables which are on the cabus part of the loom? I have a Red, yellow, and black. Do these need to be wired in to a supply somewhere? I know these are noob questions, I'm pretty new to this. Thanks again for the help.


Also got the PinOut off the currently installed radio.


This is totally defeating me
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