T6.1 & T6 Gear Knob upgrade (Test Mule Parts Wanted)


T6 Pro
Hi All.
So yesterday I removed and dismantled completely the Gear Selector on my T6.1 to see how it all fitted. I am looking to manufacture/adapt (if possible) the existing T6.1 selector to accommodate a ‘ screw on’ type gear knob to give greater flexibility of aftermarket upgrades.
T6.1 owners get stuck with having to renew the gaiter and extremely limited choice of OEM style fittings only.
I completely stripped the Gear knob down to all its component parts in about 10 mins so very easy. I was left with the gear knob and attached ‘plastic sleeve/shaft’ that fitted over the metal lever & actually attached to the vehicle linkage.
The gear knob that goes in your hand appears to be bonded to the plastic shaft.
What I am after is that if anyone has a scrap old T6.1 plastic shaft and moulded gear knob (perhaps a dirty discarded one left over from an upgrade of the entire assembly) could I have it please? Quite willing to pay a few quid.
Basically I need to cut off the rubber gear knob to see if I can adapt the shaft. I’m only after the bit in the photo below.
(Don’t want to cut the one of my new T6.1 as once I do there’s no going back ).
Cheers in advance.

Yes. Once you have the whole assembly off. Remove the metal clip on the base of the shaft. (Top tip….. I simply cut mine with some side cutters as they are a PITA to spread enough to remove. Then slide off the plastic collet and rubber ring and the lever shaft can be removed from the gaiter. On assembly I simply replaced aforementioned metal clip with two small cable ties to make the plastic shaft grip the metal linkage. Absolutely no issues.
Did you get anywhere with this. I’m in the same situation now, wondering if I should start now, or wait till all my big jobs have been done.
Hi. TBH no.... no-one had a 'spare or discarded' assy for me to look at, modify, butcher, so I simply cracked on with sound deadening, insulation, fit out etc. However it's something I'm always looking out for as I'd love to get this cracked. Sorry I can't offer better news. One day I'll just think I'll scavenge one off a T6.1 that's breaking and machine something up.
Cheers for your reply. If anyone does have an old original rubber t6.1 gear know going spare, I’m happy to share my findings and solutions for a replacement on here. I’m hesitant at the moment to cut mine up. There’s too many more important things to do at the moment.