T6.1 Rear Bump Stop Tube diameter size?


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Hi, tried searching and can’t seem to find the answer to this so hopefully someone will have the answer

Does anybody know the OD measurement of the rear bump stop tube?

I’m going to be fitting my solow coilovers in the next week or so and when I cut the rear tubes down, I want to make a neat job so looking at turning a nylon/steel sleeve on the lathe as a guide so the cut is nice and square.

I know it’s overkill, but my van only has 350 miles on it and my OCD won’t let me butcher it and have it looking rough (even though no one will ever see it)!
From what I remember on my old T5, it’s a tight squeeze in there with a grinder so want to try my best to get the cut square and neat.
