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Thanks Ozi - that confirms what I've been told, great heads up on dealers too. No guarantee that November increase won't impact on price either. More complex builds with extra ECU's are longer, was told add additional 5 weeks for DSG. I'm in no rush, my current drive will last for another year. And if the waiting list stretches beyond that, I might be forced to go back to the blue oval...
And here's another interesting point, all you trades out there might be able to help with. Anyone had problems with getting your Kombi treated as a car for tax purposes, rather than a commercial vehicle? As a company car it would result in a hefty tax bill.

T32's all capable of carrying over the minimum of 1 tonne, one of HMRC's tax criteria for being a commercial vehicle, so thats ok.
And here's another interesting point, all you trades out there might be able to help with. Anyone had problems with getting your Kombi treated as a car for tax purposes, rather than a commercial vehicle? As a company car it would result in a hefty tax bill.

T32's all capable of carrying over the minimum of 1 tonne, one of HMRC's tax criteria for being a commercial vehicle, so thats ok.
I decided to go the PV route as the Kombi could possibly of proved a problem in terms of justification with HMRC...mind you, a T32 PV with lots of options, 4M DSG etc etc, would come in slightly under the 1T payload but cannot tell for definitely until it is handed over and taken to a weigh bridge lol. :eek:
And here's another interesting point, all you trades out there might be able to help with. Anyone had problems with getting your Kombi treated as a car for tax purposes, rather than a commercial vehicle? As a company car it would result in a hefty tax bill.

T32's all capable of carrying over the minimum of 1 tonne, one of HMRC's tax criteria for being a commercial vehicle, so thats ok.
Read this thread & look at the case of HMRC v Coka Cola.
Thanks! Just found that thread and others, it's a minefield! This might change my plans altogether, so good to have access this resource.
Going off topic on my own thread, but putting it up in case other prospective buyers like me see this.

If I've read this right, the Coca Cola case hinged on the Kombi being deemed NOT to be DESIGNED PRIMARILY to carry goods or burden, HMRC see it as a multi purpose vehicle (so in effect it's a car). There doesn't appear to be any sliding scale in accordance with usage for benefit in kind (BIK) as you might get with VAT, e.g. 80/20% of business/personal usage, it's all or nothing - even at 20% Income Tax rate that's a chunk of change. That explains the PV conversions with removeable seats - no sliding door windows and no fixed seatbelts.

So it's a van for me, or buy a Kombi as an individual and charge the company. Silver lining - you've saved me falling into a world of HMRC pain.