Odd cabling from Mppt to leisure battery!


New Member
Hi guys - we have a 2nd hand converted T6 and I'm trying to get me head around cabling!

At the back we have 240v hookup, which goes through a fuse box then into an old school battery charger (PSU design?!). Next to this is an Epever Mppt solar controller. Now here's that I think is odd....

The +ve output cable from the mains charger goes into the +ve battery output port on the Epever! That's along with another cable which must be the cable running to the battery itself. Looks like they've squeezed both cables into this port and lots of exposed copper....

Can I just take these out and put some kind of junction box to combine the 2 wires? Running a new cable to battery isn't realistic as I'd need to remove all the cupboards.

I can follow instructions, but I know nothing about electrics. Any guidance appreciated...

PS I would like to replace the Epever with a victron Mppt to match the split charger I have

The simple answer is yes you can. Those stray strands definitely need tidying up.

The only thing I would add is that the way they have wired it does reduce the overall number of connections, which is good. It’s just a shame they didn’t make the effort to do it tidily.

Be aware that if you do it like this, the cable from the battery to the controller (or junction box) needs to be rated appropriately for all of the cables/loads it’s connected to. You’d usually use a fuse box instead of a junction box per se as each cable coming off also needs adequate protection.
Cheers guys, appreciate the help. There's an in-line fuse near the leisure battery on this cable between battery/controller (I know this as it went a while back and took ages to find!)

So next question, can the same principle apply if I swap this controller for a victron 75/15? Stick the same 2 cables into the +ve battery output? Makes it a like for like swap which I could just about handle!
Following this topic and can I just ask anyone what size of wire can be used to connect the victron 75/15 to the leisure battery. It’s a 200w solar panel. I am keen to use the thinnest and most flexible wire as it will take some awkward routing around an already fitted out camper van.
I appreciate the need for heavy gauge cables from the panel to the Mppt but from the Mppt to the leisure battery the voltage is reduced so can I used 6mm cable.
Thanks for any advice
Other way round. The thicker wire should be for the cable carrying the most current, which is from MPPT to battery.
200W at 12v is about 17 Amps, so use cable capable of carrying that plus some contingency.

Thanks Pete and now you have said that it makes more sense. Would anyone have an opinion on 8AWG or an alternative.
Yep, the current rating is fine.
Make sure you fuse the cable between the MPPT and leisure battery, with the fuse as physically close to the battery as possible.
