

Hi all

Happy to be here on the forum, and looking forward to using the resources.

I have two days ago purchased my first Transporter. A 2018 T6 204ps DSG LWB kombi. I think it's a highline, but I'm not too sure. It has a fancy comfort dash, split rear seats (essential for me to accommodate our hobbies), and a bloody lot of room in the back. It's taken a fair while finding just the right van (the permutations seem endless), but I got there eventually.

I hope to find everything I need on here for my modest list of desired mods (I will admit I haven't scoured too much just yet)...

Rear USB/power for ther passengers (under the passenger seat seems to be the best place it would seem)
Some rear speakers somewhere
Carpet lining the walls and ceiling in the back (it's been a working van, and although clean, it's got a fair few scuffs and I'd like to hide the marks and keep things a bit quieter)
LED interior lights (so many options out there - I'm lost)
Fancy LED headlights
Some new plastic covers for the rear seatbelt lower mounting bolts (a couple are missing)

I'm almost entirely convinced I won't be able to stop at this llist of desires, but isn't that always the way? ;-)

Looking forward to hanging around.

