Yesterday I cabled up a portable solar panel via a socket and cut off switch and whilst at the battery decided to take it's reading. It was only 12.2v. The van is used 4 times a week and was last used 2 days previously. Obviously it won't be charged to 100% by the split charge (EU5) but most voltage charts I see range that from 40-70% charged (mean average 55%). My van does all of the electrics (light, heat, fridge) and I saw that the currently fitted battery is a cheap and nasty Halfords HLB681 115ah. No drain on it at all, and yesterday was cool but not cold, so I reckon it's on it's way out and I'm looking ahead to prevent getting caught short.
What is currently considered a half decent battery?Happy for it to last 4 years or so, I have a bog standard CBE 250w charger and split charge so no Lithium and I'm not looking to upgrade the system, just looking for a recommended realistically priced battery. It must be 10 yrs since I need to purchase a battery and I'm a bit out of touch. Ideally want the pos on the left side when viewed from the front.
What is currently considered a half decent battery?Happy for it to last 4 years or so, I have a bog standard CBE 250w charger and split charge so no Lithium and I'm not looking to upgrade the system, just looking for a recommended realistically priced battery. It must be 10 yrs since I need to purchase a battery and I'm a bit out of touch. Ideally want the pos on the left side when viewed from the front.