I've recently noticed a lack of charging of my leisure battery from solar. Putting it down to the current Scottish weather. However, today its in full sun and not doing anything.
Solar input across the ctek250se is 1.1V with the CTEK in rest mode. No solar light coming on. If I switch on the ignition, the CTEK comes alive and the alternator charges the leisure as it should. The solar voltage then rises but only to 3.2V - and still the solar charge light stays off.
Here's a photo of the panel on the vinyl wrapped SCA roof
And the entrance hole for the cable at the passenger side rear corner:
which then pops out into the ctek here:
I cant find a way of checking the voltage at the panel itself - other than cutting the wire under the pop top.
and if the panel is cooked, how to replace it - looks like a lot of sikaflex around it - on a vinyl roof.......?
Solar input across the ctek250se is 1.1V with the CTEK in rest mode. No solar light coming on. If I switch on the ignition, the CTEK comes alive and the alternator charges the leisure as it should. The solar voltage then rises but only to 3.2V - and still the solar charge light stays off.
Here's a photo of the panel on the vinyl wrapped SCA roof
And the entrance hole for the cable at the passenger side rear corner:
which then pops out into the ctek here:
I cant find a way of checking the voltage at the panel itself - other than cutting the wire under the pop top.
and if the panel is cooked, how to replace it - looks like a lot of sikaflex around it - on a vinyl roof.......?