Is my engine f***ed after garage forgot to put oil in after major service and oil leak repair on a service plan and driven 97 miles no oil


T6 Pro
Please help ! I have had my 2019 4 motion Komi automatic since new 44k on the clock and converted by Expolria into a day day van lowered,insulated, leisure battery etc cost 70k in total
I am on a service plan and mot with Vw
Just had a mot annd major service and they picked up an oil leak and a tyre. The oil leak apparently not covered nut as a gesture of good will they will contribute 50 percent so it would cost me £500 never had any oil on my new drive ! And never notice it when checking the oil previous

So I picked it up and drove it for 2 days and 97 miles in 2 days then oil light popped up and went straight off and notice oil on my new drive. Looked underneath and it’s dripping,
I then checked the oil and low and behold there was absolutely no oil what so ever it was bone dry, looks like they never put any oil in when they done leak and major service 2 days ago . They wanted to come to me and put oil and drive it back to garage !!! Which I decline and insisted on it go back on a recovery truck otherwise I would not know if they actually put any oil in it at . They have picked it up Friday
What should I be looking for ?
Is the engine f***ed ? What damage should I be looking for.
What are my rights ?
How can I trust them .
What if it blows up 2 years down the line .
Please help as really upset !
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Please help ! I have had my 2019 4 motion Komi automatic since new 44k on the clock and converted by Expolria into a day day van lowered,insulated, leisure battery etc cost 70k in total
I am on a service plan and mot with Vw
Just had a mot annd major service and they picked up an oil leak and a tyre. The oil leak apparently not covered nut as a gesture of good will they will contribute 50 percent so it would cost me £500 never had any oil on my new drive ! And never notice it when checking the oil previous

So I picked it up and drove it for 2 days and 97 miles in 2 days then oil light popped up and went straight off and notice oil on my new drive. Looked underneath and it’s dripping,
I then checked the oil and low and behold there was absolutely no oil what so ever it was bone dry, looks like they never put any oil in when they done leak and major service 2 days ago . They wanted to come to me and put oil and drive it back to garage !!! Which I decline and insisted on it go back on a recovery truck otherwise I would not know if they actually put any oil in it at . They have picked it up Friday
What should I be looking for ?
Is the engine f***ed ? What damage should I be looking for.
What are my rights ?
How can I trust them .
What if it blows up 2 years down the line .
Please help as really upset !
It's "just" a warning about oil level getting too low. There still is plenty of oil for engine lubrication - oil pump suction line is still way below oil surface.
Is the van level? Nose down you get the warning earlier.
It's "just" a warning about oil level getting too low. There still is plenty of oil for engine lubrication - oil pump suction line is still way below oil surface.
Is the van level? Nose down you get the warning earlier.

Agreed, if they'd forgotten to refill with oil the van wouldn't have driven for 90 odd miles, it would have seized fairly quickly but you'd have had a red oil pressure light to warn of impending doom immediately.
My guess would be they've filled it and checked the dipstick but then once the engine is started the oil filter and oil galleries then fill up and the level on the dipstick lowers, in your case, enough to not show. They should run it for a couple of minutes before letting it rest then checking it.
I very much doubt there's any harm done but it shows the value of the yellow light in alerting you to the problem before it becomes critical.
Is it an 204bhp?
Our garage changed oil, put 5 litres in.
Few days later the orange warning light > ours needs 7,2 litres!
But we do not have an oil leakage, so might be other issue
Is it an 204bhp?
Our garage changed oil, put 5 litres in.
Few days later the orange warning light > ours needs 7,2 litres!
But we do not have an oil leakage, so might be other issue

If they changed the oil properly they would have had to put more than 5 litres in, these T6's have an oil capacity of around 7 litres, I know it's more than 5 because I just did mine myself and five litres didn't register on the dipstick.
But anyway, if it needed 7.2 litres of oil a few days later I wonder if they refilled it at all!
100 miles without roughly 1.5kg of oil. Don’t think any damage has been done. They might not have tighten the sump plug enough. And lost some on the way home. The pump was creating enough pressure to keep the engine lubricated properly. I wouldn’t worry about this. I would only change garage. If they are so superficial with basics operations can’t imagine with the rest…
You should be okay as said above it would not drive even a few miles without oil and the red oil light would be on from the outset. Make a careful note of how much oil is needed to be added to bring the level up to the dipstick mark. My guess is the garage didn’t check the level after running the engine for a couple of minutes and letting the new oil fully circulate.
So they have opened the engine up and recovered 3 to 4 lltr, The oil was leaking from the oil leak they repaired they never tighten the bolts up !!!
They are replacing all the bolts, new oil filter and are sending the oil off for analysis for metal particles.
Should I be asking for some kind of warranty if the engine, or components associated fail within a time frame ?
What a sham garage …….
I would have thought they would have just drained off the remaining oil rather “opened up the engine”.
I would wait for results of the oil analysis before taking further action. If the 3-4 litres of oil that was left in the engine remained within the upper temp limit I can’t see why the engine would be damaged. Assuming the correct amount of oil was placed in the engine at the garage then the oil loss over the 90 miles that you drove was approx 3.5 litres. The red oil light didn’t come on then you are more than likely okay. However if the oil analysis is not good that will be a whole different situation
Talking to a customer of mine who is in the car industry ( warranty management ), he said, garages and dealerships are having to literally pull people off the street to work along side trained mechanics… and he used the term “trained mechanics” loosely as they are very often fresh out of college with little experience. This is why shit like this happens.

The real experienced mechanics won’t put up with the working conditions and pay, so they either leave the industry or set up as an independent who pick the jobs they want to do.
Talking to a customer of mine who is in the car industry ( warranty management ), he said, garages and dealerships are having to literally pull people off the street to work along side trained mechanics… and he used the term “trained mechanics” loosely as they are very often fresh out of college with little experience. This is why shit like this happens.

The real experienced mechanics won’t put up with the working conditions and pay, so they either leave the industry or set up as an independent who pick the jobs they want to do.
I have a friend at a senior level at Merc and he says the same.

In the East Midlands Rolls Royce in Derby were/are paying good money for engineers. Decent Mechanics have transferable skills and as stated will get much better working conditions

another mate jacked in and went fitting water tanks and water hygiene stuff again transferable skills, varied work life and a lot more money
Talking to a customer of mine who is in the car industry ( warranty management ), he said, garages and dealerships are having to literally pull people off the street to work along side trained mechanics… and he used the term “trained mechanics” loosely as they are very often fresh out of college with little experience. This is why shit like this happens.

The real experienced mechanics won’t put up with the working conditions and pay, so they either leave the industry or set up as an independent who pick the jobs they want to do.

I have a friend at a senior level at Merc and he says the same.
And this is why i dont see why people (usually those with little or no mechanical knowledge or experience) get so angsty when a vehicle does have OEM service history.

I have similar stories of OEM incompetence from friends also in the industry, so personally I have the bare minimum to do with them that I have to!