How Old Are You?

I’m 56. Retired from the Fire Service 2 months ago (I was a Business Fire Safety Officer) and now a Health and Safety Officer at TATA Steel. No intention of retiring anytime soon. I’ve a T6 to keep on buying things for lol
I think what makes things worse for me is I hate work, not the place I work for, but just work in general :confused:
In the 80s, 90s and 00s I used to really enjoy my work, but in the corporate world (at least in the major US corporates I worked for) the workplace became an increasingly toxic place following the 2008 banking crisis. It became all about the bottom line, with zero regard for the carbon-based "resources". :mad:
In the 80s, 90s and 00s I used to really enjoy my work, but in the corporate world (at least in the major US corporates I worked for) the workplace became an increasingly toxic place following the 2008 banking crisis. It became all about the bottom line, with zero regard for the carbon-based "resources". :mad:
Sounds rather familiar!
1st “retirement” at 55 followed by 11 years self employed, state pension coming in a month so now finally turning down the jobs as the come in… well almost all of them anyway…
36. Have been in the corporate world for 15 years working for a large US aircraft manufacturer. Conscious that life is passing me by while I have my head in my work iphone all the time so just dropped a shed load of cash on a new California Ocean to hopefully make some memories while the kids are young. Always been super sensible with finances so it’s a bit of a departure from what I’m used to but f*ck it. That little gif from runwithscissors is very true.
36. Have been in the corporate world for 15 years working for a large US aircraft manufacturer. Conscious that life is passing me by while I have my head in my work iphone all the time so just dropped a shed load of cash on a new California Ocean to hopefully make some memories while the kids are young. Always been super sensible with finances so it’s a bit of a departure from what I’m used to but f*ck it. That little gif from runwithscissors is very true.
Wise move mate, enjoy it while you can.
Never suffered any job long enough to receive worthwhile company pension. Personal pension shot apart by Putin, after surviving Covid.
Self employed carpenter & electrician, after adult evening classes.
Then 11 years in Cyprus as the ‘wife of’ MoD Admin lady.
Holiday flights or cruises to most countries close; Rhodes - Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt.
Many trips to Germany to help with Forces Schools’ IT.
Two trips to Falklands for same.
Retired on return @ 57, with a two-year ‘job’ to renovate current house.
Goal posts keep moving.
So not done yet, especially after informed, many times, being kicked out once it’s done.
PS. Forgot the two wonderful trips touring Jordan. So good we went back. Multicultural, no litter, no motorbikes, unless tourists passing thru and many gun shops, but no ammunition.
Lots of interesting experiences / perspectives on life in this thread.

As mentioned in my previous post I didnt work for 6 years and did a whole load of stuff including taking the kids to school, running the household and the best bit looking after my late father (joint effort between my sisters and I). There were times I was bored / low mood / not motivated.

Being back at work 4 days a week has been fantastic for my mental health giving me something to think about, interact with other people and physical exercise.

Sometimes its not all about the money. If you’re not happy with your current situation then plan a switch to something else when circumstances permit.

I was a manager at a FTSE 100 company and now work in a warehouse weighing out nuts and bolts and love it!