Froli spring kit on solid pop-top roof bed base


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Since having our campervan (Autohaus Ashton) we’ve always slept on the RIB 120 bed “downstairs” with a Duvalay Freshtec foam mattress. Pretty decent comfort wise but it means we have to make up the bed every night and take it down every morning. Pondering giving the pop top bed a go for a change. We have a Reimo Easyfit pop top bed that has a solid plywood base and a very uncomfortable, thin mattress. I’m wondering if it would make sense to add the Froli spring kit to the pop top and use it with a custom memory foam mattress to add some comfort. Has anyone used the Froli kit on a Reimo pop top or indeed any sold base pop top bed? Would the pop top close with the springs and mattress inside?

This is the kit I’m thinking of:
Froli Star Mobile Bed System -
Since having our campervan (Autohaus Ashton) we’ve always slept on the RIB 120 bed “downstairs” with a Duvalay Freshtec foam mattress. Pretty decent comfort wise but it means we have to make up the bed every night and take it down every morning. Pondering giving the pop top bed a go for a change. We have a Reimo Easyfit pop top bed that has a solid plywood base and a very uncomfortable, thin mattress. I’m wondering if it would make sense to add the Froli spring kit to the pop top and use it with a custom memory foam mattress to add some comfort. Has anyone used the Froli kit on a Reimo pop top or indeed any sold base pop top bed? Would the pop top close with the springs and mattress inside?

This is the kit I’m thinking of:
Froli Star Mobile Bed System -
I’ve a west dubs roof on mine and having used Froli system before I tried it in the van. I’ve also x2 budget mem foam toppers but it’s just to much☹️. Don’t want to remove mattresses so scratching my head at the moment to see if I can knock up a frame and drop bed by an inch or two. If it fits in Reimo highly recommend Froli system, good luck
Mine's a Reimo roof with the Froli bed system and the standard thin Reimo foam mattress.
It closes with no problems but I can't comment on the comfort as I've never slept on it.
OK, so you're in luck, I just fitted some Froli springs and road-tested it last night.

I have a Reimo Easyfit roof, and installed the Berger Sentina system on it, which I bought from the store in Germany when on holiday last week.
They are made by Froli but are branded Berger (by Froli). They're cheaper than the Froli branded system, seem more substantial also then some of the other Froli systems, and I bought them because they didn't have enough Froli-branded stock in the shop for my roof size.
I bought one base pack (€98) and two supplementary packs (€40 each), which I installed with minimum spacing between the springs - so the most firm setting. This fits the Reimo space in the roof exactly when the springs are placed at their closest positions together. The springs are 44mm in height, and can be placed directly on the roof base without the need for the additional mesh layer. I'd also recommend velcroing down the 4 corners and centre of the sides otherwise they move slightly when the roof is raised.
On top of that I have the Reimo basic foam mattress (I think it's Reimo, came with the van). It's about 4.5-5cm thick, although the foam inside it is only 2.5cm, and is about 108 x 200cm in width/length.

So, first night sleep on this setup - it was comfortable but firm. I suffer from a bad back but woke up without any pain, so the Froli springs did their job. But the bed experience was firm overall.

I'm now going to experiment with moving the springs apart from each other by 1 notch (there are 3 settings in total) to see how much that softens the mattress base. In which case, I didn't need the second additional pack of Froli springs. The base pack has 44 springs, each additional pack another 11. I'll also try the same setup as I slept on last night, but with a 25mm additional foam base, to compare.

Some things you need to know:
- with these springs (42-44mm height) and the 4.5-5cm mattress base, the roof doesn't close. I reckon it's about 2-3 cm too high and prevents closing at the back. So the maximum gap/space you have to play with is 6-7cm to ensure roof closes correctly
- some of the other Froli springs are lower in height. The range, in addition to the Berger I used, are as below:

Star - standard for motor homes, looks identical to the Berger system but in a different colour
Travel - lower height
Scor - Optimal ventilation and adjustment of the firmness level
Mobil - Ideal for heavy sleepers

and in retrospect I think I should have gone for one with lower springs height to be able to keep my mattress in the poptop, although I reckon smaller height springs will be even more firm. I did measure at the time of buying, but wasn't aware until I finished fitting that the back of the poptop has a lower height threshold for closing then the front.
- they are all a doddle to install. Takes about an hour just to clip them all together. If you have kids, get them to do it, it's like an easy jigsaw puzzle!

Verdict - worth doing, I think, but need to play around with it to get the right firmness (softness) setting. I'm used to firm mattresses but I think a medium settng on this particular system would suit better, in which case I could have saved myself €40 on buying an extra extension pack. Don't believe the size guides either, a grid of 5 x 11 (Berger) springs will fit a Reimo roof on a medium firmness setting and 6x11 for a firm setting.

hope this helps, link below to what I bought. They do ship to the UK as well but unsure if you will end up paying customs duty.

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Thanks @d8smt that’s great information. I’ve now sold the VW and purchased a different campervan which has both transverse bed and pop top (SCA) with Froli type springs underneath. The springs plus decent mattresses definitely provide a more comfortable night’s sleep than the standard Reimo pop-top and RIB bed that we had on the VW.

I’m sure the detailed info you provided will be of great use to anyone else looking to upgrade their VW beds. Thanks again.
Does anyone know if this will work in the Horizon/Hilo roof? Has anyone done it?
can you not measure the gap under the top with the roof down? You'll need a 44mm clearance(without mattress) for them to fit to the system I used. Is your have at least 40mm, the Travel system at least should fit
can you not measure the gap under the top with the roof down? You'll need a 44mm clearance(without mattress) for them to fit to the system I used. Is your have at least 40mm, the Travel system at least should fit
Not had the roof fitted yet - so cannot measure - thanks for the info
Does anyone know if this will work in the Horizon/Hilo roof? Has anyone done it?
There's not enough room - the clearance between roof and bedboard is significantly less than 44mm. Anything less than a fully-deflated SIM won't fit up there.
At one point, I considered attaching froli springs to a mat that I could then add to/remove from the bed-board, but concluded it would be cumbersome and impractical.
Thanks @d8smt that’s great information. I’ve now sold the VW and purchased a different campervan which has both transverse bed and pop top (SCA) with Froli type springs underneath. The springs plus decent mattresses definitely provide a more comfortable night’s sleep than the standard Reimo pop-top and RIB bed that we had on the VW.

I’m sure the detailed info you provided will be of great use to anyone else looking to upgrade their VW beds. Thanks again.
Hi. Im sure I now own your old vw transporter t6.1. I did spot you had outside front and rear screen covers how well did they work and are they worth getting. Fantastic van we love it. Can I ask did you have any problems with it as it seems you didn't own it for very long. Also the tracker how much did it cost per year to activate it and is it worth doing. Many thanks.