Faulty Power-latching


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T6 Guru
One of my electric side doors is playing up not closing properly like it’s struggling for power. My problem is I’m not here at the moment and my wife is hounding me about it. What’s the best thing for her to do as the closest dealer is a long trek away. It’s only just over a year old.
A few of us have been having problems with the doors not unlocking. The dealers are generally less than helpful and take for ever to even get the vans booked in, so your best bet is to call VW Assist. If the doors won't close, then technically it's a Vehicle Off Road situation.

In the mean time, the doors will close with a good slam. Passengers have often proved that with mine :mad:
As a very temporary solution try removing the plastic cover from the bracket at the bottom of the door and manually push the small latch forward. It has to be done each time you open the door but it worked on mine until I got the door control module replaced.