Fan Switch replacement


Senior Member
T6 Pro
Has anyone been quoted to replace the fan switch on their transporter. Breeze have quoted me over £300 for what appears to be a burnt out resistor (a well know problem) ?
Supply and fit? I assume. Are you out of warranty now?

Switch or the resistor pack in the side of the heater?
Yes, I’m out of warranty, apparently it’s to replace the fan and switch ( supply and fit) a defective fan that runs flat out draws too much current and burns out the resistors in the switch, so you have to replace the fan (expensive) and the switch. . .
Sack them off and swap the resistor yourself it’s a ten minute job
Yes, I’m out of warranty, apparently it’s to replace the fan and switch ( supply and fit) a defective fan that runs flat out draws too much current and burns out the resistors in the switch, so you have to replace the fan (expensive) and the switch. . .
the resistor and switch a 2 separate things.
My resistors have failed twice since 2016 and replaced under warranty. VW have never mentioned the fan drawing too much current.
I can’t imagine the fan motor bearings being worn after such a short time. If they are bearings are very low cost.
The only good thing I can see in this is that it has a two year warranty! and it sounds like I might need it considering the amount of BS being spoken by VW.
Off on our trip (still waiting for Russian Visas) shortly so won’t be posting for a while, have a great summer, enjoy your VW’s, may the sun shine for you all.