Replacement fan on 12v fridge.? ( Soo noisy)


Senior Member
T6 Guru
Hi all.

I have the R50 fridge.. went on my first night out in the van at the weekend... I might have to try replacing the fan on my fridge... It damn noisy.

Anyone attempted this?

Did you buy it new from THQ? I think I would be having a word! Our Sanjo is a CRX50 clone and I must admit to not noticing the fan kicking in occasionally. Mind you on many camping nights I tend to sleep rather well! Affluence of incohol potentially...
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Mine is the alpicool r50 fridge, which is the OG manufacturer of the thq branded one

For the sake of £10 I might change the fan
I have this fridge and used it for the first time this weekend. I didn't find it overly noisy to be honest but that could just be a difference of opinion