Disabling ‘wake up’ when opening doors?


T6.1 Kombi
VIP Member
T6 Pro
Hi all

Just wondering if it’s possible at all to disable the ‘wake up’ on usbc ports/infotainment etc when opening a door?

Would be good to be able to sit in the van on jobs (always in and out of unlocked vehicle) without things powering up and then powering down all the time (ancillaries / dash cams etc etc)

I’ve had a search in menu’s and manual but can’t really find anything.
If not possible isn’t a stress - just wanting to see if anyone has the same preference etc

Thanks in advance !
I suspect there isn't the option, a lot of things (like fuel priming) trigger at this point so the van is immediately able to drive.

One possibility might be to avoid using the driver's door and use the passenger/side/rear as at least the fuel prime isn't triggered then so maybe other items are not.

This is also really important to remember if you miss fuel - don't use the driver's door...
On the T6 diesel the drivers door open does not trigger the fuel pump prime.

(Unlike some other cars and vans. I think the TSI van does though)

It's the key in the ignition and first stage... From memory.

And no way to disable the wake up.

If the issue is camping related flat battery then look at adding a starter trickle charger.
Don't know how easy / useful / real it is, but someone on another forum pointed me at this after I whinged about having to jump start the van in a snowstorm after 4 nights away - thoughts welcome:

That would mean carrying a laptop and VCDS. Also not sure exactly which all circuits are disabled in transport mode, eg it might also turn off remote keyfob and alarm.

Interesting idea nevertheless!
Don't know how easy / useful / real it is, but someone on another forum pointed me at this after I whinged about having to jump start the van in a snowstorm after 4 nights away - thoughts welcome:

Transport mode is not a good idea.

But if you're SB is going flat after 4 days camping.... That's normal, as there is nothing charging it.

So look as a SB small charger if on EHU.

Or a LB to SB trickle charger, assuming you have a decent LB and dcdc charger etc.

More info here.....

if you're SB is going flat after 4 days camping.... That's normal, as there is nothing charging it.
Yep, found that was to be expected from here - unfortunately after the event :-( It's the longest we've stayed on one site so it caught us out. I have a CTEK trickle charger at home and will use that on site too now!

The van electrics also have a Ctek D250SE which looks like it will trickle charge the main battery from the solar input - just need to get that hooked up to something. Always another job isn't there?!
Thanks everyone. Two VW main service centres confirmed there's nothing that can be done. One of them said that opening the Tailgate or side sliding door could be an indication that you're about to drive, so is right the van gets ready. I think I'd prefer to wait the 5 seconds longer when I put the key in the ignition than have the sounds / energy drain to avoid it. Shame VW don't consider the issue from the drivers perspective and at least have it as an option you can override for when using as a campervan for a few days without starting the engine - after all, they even sell campervans for this purpose! Anyway, glad the Multiplus has a trickle back to the starter battery :)
Sounds like the EGR bobbin going through a self cleaning cycle.
There's a while orchestra of noises, to be honest it's the most "active" vehicle I've ever owned in that aspect, there's always some servo, fan or motor noise going on when it's sat on the drive unlocked.
There's a while orchestra of noises, to be honest it's the most "active" vehicle I've ever owned in that aspect, there's always some servo, fan or motor noise going on when it's sat on the drive unlocked.
You've clearly never owned a recent Peugeot diesel!
Something definitely starts up on my 6.1, I always thought it was the fuel pump?

The testing that me and @mmi had done showed the above, that the tank lift pump only started when the key was in the ignition on stage one or two. ( On the T6)

However I've not personally tested the t6.1.

One easy test is to make sure that the van is sleeping so it's been locked for longer than half an hour. then get on the floor down by the rear wheel by the fuel tank, put a hand on the tank and listen.

then get friend family wife etc so blip the van and then unlock it and you should hear and feel the fuel lift pump running....

If not then try they key in the ignition, stage one, two etc.