Cheap electrical kit


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I think I need to add another USB socket and another 12V outlet to my leisure setup. I stated googling for the parts and came across some items that just seemed to be too cheap - the old adage of buy cheap buy twice comes to mind but I am also very conscious that when it comes to electrics, you can also add buy cheap and start fires or buy cheap and kill yourself!

When I searched for 'CBE twin USB' fittings, Amazon and others (mostly the well known camper van parts specialist) come up with a 1A / 2.1A twin USB for around £20:
where Ebay lists the same one at £6 and a 2.1A /2.1A version, both at around £7:12v CBE C-Line Dual-Double USB Socket Module Charger Campervan Caravan Motorhome | eBay
My questions are would be are the cheap ones likely to be knock offs and are they likely to be potentially unsafe?

The safety question also applies to wiring connectors. There's no spare capacity on the leisure fuse box so rather than old fashioned 'chocolate block' I was intending on using Wago 221 connectors to tap into the existing cables (with the addition of extra in-line fuses where necessary). Both Amazon and Ebay list loads of very similar looking but much cheaper alternatives - examples here: : wago
Are they worth buying?
Personally I try to avoid‘cheap’ parts- cheap usb sockets are prone to electrical interference with radio reception and to be honest wago 221’s aren’t that expensive so why take the risk.
For a couple of quid I’d go with a known and proven brand. Be careful that the Wago connectors will be used within the max’ current specifications.
I‘m pretty cautious with DC equipment as it’s fairly easy to create the indoor campfire effect with a poor connection. IMO if possible avoid a flammable base or immediate space when mounting connectors, ie carpet lining and plywood.
I followed my instincts and ordered what I hope is genuine CBE from Cleacut Conversions - it was only £18.50 with delivery which we all agree is a small price to pay for the reassurance that the real thing gives. I'll decide on how I hook it up once I've got the old one off and see what's behind it but Wago 221 are the favourite at the moment.