Ceiling light short has taken our rear lights


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Ok guys I hope someone can help me please.
I had a blown fuse from where I took the rear interior light off to get the ceiling cards off for carpeting and whilst looking for the blown fuse I managed to drop one of them and it has disappeared somewhere below the fuse box. I put a replacement fuse in and everything appeared to be ok. However I have just noticed the front side lights are on even when the light switch is switched to off. (The rear side lights are not on.)
Does anyone have any idea if a fuse in the wrong slot would do this because I may have put it back in the wrong slot. I have downloaded Loz's fuse box layout but am afraid to mess about with the fuses in case I make it worse.
I went to the local VW garage and asked for a layout for my van but got the usual routine of I would have to let them look at it and no doubt charge me a fortune for it.
Everything else seems to be ok.

Thanks for any help.
I have just realised I may be worrying about nothing. Do the DRL's come on with the light switch in the off position? If so do the rears come on as well because mine don't.

Thanks again.
Front DRLs come on with ignition and rears do not so sounds like it’s working normally
Thanks Pauly. That's the mind put to rest. My van is new to me so still getting used to it.

If it’s any consolation I did exactly the same last week, including dropping the fuse never to be seen again and trying to remember where to put the replacement . The only difference we had is that on mine it also upset the BCM so even with the fuse in the interior lights still didn’t work. Helpful chaps on this forum told me how to reset it.
Luckily I didn’t fall into the DRL complication as well......
No probs Nigel I am sorted now until I think I have done something else wrong.