Just checking but you know you have to put in a space using abc menu before you can enter in the remaining digits?Well traveling around Scotland with nothing but a postcode. Why can I only input 4digits into the sat nav. All that extra cost and its crap!
Just checking but you know you have to put in a space using abc menu before you can enter in the remaining digits?
Oh yeah, glad you mentioned that! Being used to a manual 4x4 I had to keep leaning round the DSG lever on my test drive to see what I had the gearbox set to...sure I'll get used to that once my own van turns up but the missus won't be impressed as she's never driven an 'auto'... (might have to stick a piece of masking tape down the drivers side for her with P D R etc. until she gets used to it)Yep like having DSG shift with the letters on the left where you can't see them.
Ah!... Cheers Pauly I didn't notice that when I drove it.It comes up on the dash display so its not to bad and you get used to it pretty quick