4Motion and different BiTDi engines


Hello All.

I am about to pull the trigger on a LWB 4Motion. A T6 or T6.1

I am a little confused about the engines and hoping someone could explain.

Disregarding the manual 150hp, there is 204 and a 199 (with DSG).

From research it seems that they changed from 204hp (CXEB engine) to 199 (CXEC engine) just before T6.1 in late 2019.

So my questions are:
  • Is the above statement correct?
  • Why does the T6.1 brochure mention 204?
  • Why is the quoted MPG so much lower on the 199 compare to 204? (see photo from T6 brochure).
  • Does anyone have any useful insight into whether the 199 is an improvement?
    • In terms of reliability, actual mpg, ability to tune etc
    • From what I understand it is WLTP emissions compliant but does that really matter?
Many thanks for help with this.


There is also the DMZA 204hp engine which seems to have cropped up around 2021. My T6.1 DSG has this engine (although not 4motion), there seems to be very little information around to what was changed with this engine and whether or not the problems of the past have been rectified.
I think the fuel economy on the 199 in the brochure is lower because it’s for 4motion as opposed to 2wheel drive for the 204
Does anyone have any useful insight into whether the 199 is an improvement?
Have a search on the forum for CXEB in the thread title, and you will probably choose the CXEC.

On the other hand, I have LWB 4Motion and love it. 150 manual, but I’m not towing, and it is a step up in power from my old T5.
The T6.1s have a different engines than T6.

With revised adblue system and many other changes.