2013 VW T5 Multivan - Left Sliding Door Opening Issue


New Member
Hi everyone,

I recently replaced the rollers and wires for the sliding doors on my 2013 T5 VW Multivan. While the repair worked perfectly on the right side, I'm having trouble with the left sliding door.

When I try to open the door using either the dashboard button or the key fob, it starts to open but then gets stuck and won't fully slide out. I haven't heard any unusual noises during this process.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? Any advice on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!
Could be an alignment problem as you have replaced the rollers. Just check with the door closed how it lines up, if it looks OK check the rollers are level and not wonky donkey. I had a problem with bouncing where it would open half way then shut which was a stretched cable. If you search on YouTube there's a fix for it.https://youtu.be/EBRR5DLyOAM?si=YY91f6pNBkhArOXV HTH
Could be an alignment problem as you have replaced the rollers. Just check with the door closed how it lines up, if it looks OK check the rollers are level and not wonky donkey. I had a problem with bouncing where it would open half way then shut which was a stretched cable. If you search on YouTube there's a fix for it.https://youtu.be/EBRR5DLyOAM?si=YY91f6pNBkhArOXV HTH
Hi, thank you for the information. attached is a picture where you see the alignment, if I try to adjust on the hinges the top roller go below the track when I get the alignment on the front of the door. See Picture 2 where the misalignment is. Alignment appears to be ok on the backside of the door.

Any suggestion on how to align the door? If the alignment does not work I will try the trick from youtube.

Picture 1: Back -> Looking forward
From left back (looking forward).jpeg

Picture 2: Front - Looking backwards
It's the bottom roller that needs to be lifted up. It's the weight bearing one so the most important one. Once level lift the top roller up as that is just more of a guide.