13 PIN trailer electrics, no output pin 10 (fridge) coding issue maybe?


T6 Pro
Hi All,

ECS 13pin wiring kit. All functions OK except no output on pin 10. I believe ECS use a relabelled VAG controller as VCDS shows PN as 1K090383G so coding should be the same as other with genuine electrics.
Current coding is
Pin10 output is active. Note it will not let me select active (NEW)

Any other suggestions to look for? I've checked physical wiring and fuses.

I set mine to Pin 10 active with trailer connected. That worked.
Did you click on “do it” after making the changes? Did you get a “coding accepted” response?
Ps. Have you checked the rear of the socket to make sure there’s actually a connection to pin 10?
I tried 3rd option and it made no difference. I got coding accepted for all changes and everything else works fine. Socket is fine and I metered cable from there to under the seat and that's OK.

Spoke to ECS this morning and they told me coding changes shouldn't prevent output on pin10 and it's just a VSR in the controller that senses >13v and switches the relay to output. I checked all the wiring and I had been doing testing with shunt removed so my cigarette lighter voltmeter read 14.7v constantly so it's not a smart alternator issue.

Looks like the controller is not outputting 12v to the change over relay so I might just fit a TEC3M in it's place or find an ignition switch feed under passenger seat to switch the current relay as the controller isn't doing it.
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